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The version of Ham Radio Deluxe is now available for download. Please download it from the Download pages on our website at:
Ham Radio Deluxe version is a significant release of Ham Radio Deluxe. This release migrates the code to the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio - 2017. This ensures ongoing stability and support-ability of Ham Radio Deluxe. This release includes a rewrite for rig control functions for the Yaesu FTDX-3000 and FT-991/A radios. It is now possible to program and manage keyer memories in Yaesu radios. Improvements were made to the callsign lookup function. The callsign lookup test function was improved ahead of a significant rewrite we are planning for later this year. A problem with the solar progression graph that was caused by the relocation of NOAA files has been fixed. Problems reported regarding QRZ.com log upload are fixed. At the time of this writing, there were 87 changes included in this release.
As mentioned in the past, it is our policy that we do not release updates between 1-November and 1-January. For the past 60 days, many people have been working very hard to get this release published. We would like to thank our developers, beta testers, and the HRD Software staff for their hard work.
The full release notes can be found here:
This year we are working on significant feature updates. This includes a panadapter display for ICOM radios and a competitive contest feature.
We intend to continue our progress to eliminate items from our development backlog. We purchased many different rotors and satellite gear last year and we expect to have updates to these modules out early this year as well. Again this year, there should be at least 9 releases.
Ham Radio Deluxe grew by 29% during 2018. We're grateful for all our new valued clients.
IMPORTANT: All those who have purchased Ham Radio Deluxe at any time in the past should download and install this version in order to benefit from all bug fixes. You are entitled to them. Our clients who are covered by an active Software Maintenance and Support period are entitled to Feature Enhancements.
Most common questions about owning Ham Radio Deluxe can be found in the newsletter and blog article posted on 22-DEC-2018.
Please watch these newsletters for updates. Pass these updates along to your friends.
Newsletters will also be posted on our website's blog at:
The HRD Software team will be at Hamcation on February 8-10. We hope to see you there!
Thank you es 73 de Mike, WA9PIE
HRD Software, LLC