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  • Buy Renewal for Ham Radio Deluxe Software New Features & Support

[Returning Customers] Renewal | 12 months New Features & Support


An incremental 12 months of New Features and Support for an existing perpetual software license for Ham Radio Deluxe.

This New Features and Support renewal entitles you to New Features and direct access to the HRD technical Support staff via https://support.hamradiodeluxe.com published during this new additional New Features and Support period.

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SKU: P005
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  • An incremental 12 months of New Features and Support for an existing perpetual software license for Ham Radio Deluxe.

    This New Features and Support renewal entitles you to New Features and direct access to the HRD technical Support staff via https://support.hamradiodeluxe.com published during this new additional New Features and Support period.

    Your Ham Radio Deluxe activation key does not change as a result of this purchase. The New Features and Support expiration date is revised to the date shown in your receipt the next time you launch the software.

    NOTE: Since most customers will download the software, we do not include installation media with this purchase. To keep the price down, we sell CDs and USB flash drives separately as an option for those who prefer to receive media. There is no difference between this software and what is available for download on our website. [See options below]

    • No Better Software for logging and rig control
      Works perfectly. So many control options that I'm still learning. I love this software but buyers should know that there is a learning curve.


      Virginia Beach, VA

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    • Review of HRD
      Very good Amatuer radio suite.
      Mike W6OSO


      Moreno Valley california

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    • HRD Rockstar
      HRD is a top notch platform for ham radio logging. The digital modes, psk and alike, make it easy to operate.
      The ease of QSL forwarding to LOTW and QRZ make it easy to keep track of contacts and awards.



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    • A Weird Review
      I have been a renewing HRD customer for at least a decade. However, I have never installed the program on one of my computers! Mostly because I am unforgivably lazy! And, additionally, I have a trepidation of fooling with PC COMM ports! But my 5 star review is a result of hearing what other users say, and Mike's email support communications and updates have been excellent! So I have continued to support HRD because it is an excellent example of a small company "Doing it the RIGHT way"!
      A Weird Review


      Middleboro MA

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    • Satisfied with the purchase
      very satisfied with the purchase. I have used it three times. Friendly technicians who do their utmost to help



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    • great company
      I really like working with HRD


      Chicago, IL

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    • The best Quality support software for Interfacing Ham Radio Equipment with a Personal Computer.
      I have been using Ham Radio Deluxe for many years. I have an ICOM IC-7600 HF Transceiver and a Yaesu FT-736R VHF / UHF Transceiver. Both rigs are USB Connected to the PC. The features built in to the Software are impressive and well thought out.
      There are more features than I use personally but the software caters for the needs of most Ham Radio enthusiasts. The support is first class and Mike has personally helped me to resolve a problem. When one purchases Software it is imperative that good support is available in the event that one encounters a problem. One could not find a better Software product for amateur radio requirements at a reasonable cost considering the features built into Ham Radio Deluxe. The software currently supports a wide range of Transceivers and with a current licence for the software I receive regular updates adding new features, support for new radio equipment and bug fixes. I am very pleased with the product and effort that Mike and his team have put into making Ham Radio Deluxe the best product of it's type in the market.


      Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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    • Great Logger /Rig Control program
      As a new ham, I found this software package easy to install and use. It has many very useful features that are reasonably intuitive. I have been using this program for about 6 months and have not had any issues or failures. I have asked for support two times and received a response promptly. I really like how to pre-fill the log as I’m making contacts.

      If I could change (adjust) anything in the program it would be to be able to sort the “spots” DX Cluster log by frequency or DX Call. This would be useful as I tune across the band and/or looking for a specific DXer that might be already spotted on the log.

      HDR does have a support page and a few videos. As someone that learns best by watching videos, I find what has been provided useful, but more detailed subjects would be beneficial.

      Overall, this is a great program, and I’m pleased with my purchase at Dayton Hamvention 2024.


      Southern Ohio

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    • excellent
      been using since first day and saw the improvements evolve and any time there was an issue the support team was able to provide assistance 



      Was this review helpful?

    • Highly Recommended
      I have been using HRD since Simon developed it way way back.
      It has been improved immensely since then.
      Each module is a quality entity and all work together. They are always improving them.
      I have always promoted it when I can.
      It covers all of my needs and more.
      It is my go to software for my Radio system.
      You will not regret purchasing it. It is well worth the price.
      Support alone with worth the price!!


      Twinsburg, OH

      Was this review helpful?

    • support on new year
      On 29/12/2024, the logbook section of HRD suddenly stopped loading. Panic ensued, especially because I had stored many logs and QSOs in it—well over 100K. Fortunately, I had a backup from HRD and some recent ADIF files, but the logbook still wouldn’t start. And this happened at the end of the year.

      I decided to submit a ticket requesting assistance from HRD. To my amazement, I received a response from your helpdesk in less than an hour. I was even more surprised when I found out I was being helped in my own language by Ferry Holsderver (PD9FER). How lucky can you get?

      This significantly boosted my confidence that the issue would be resolved. Ferry did mention that due to the time of year, it might have to wait until after 2025, at which point he would use TeamViewer to fix the problem. And indeed, a TeamViewer session was started, and Ferry immediately got to work. Within 30 minutes, all my logs and QSOs were back on the screen.

      What a wonderful way to start the year! Thank you, Ferry, for your professional and expert assistance.
      Top-notch service, and thank you once again!



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    • First Review
      Product is robust and versatile. I have mixed emotions on the user manual. Granted, leaving it online does give HRD the best option for adapting to upgrades but I find it a bit cumbersome and would rather download a pdf that I could use and search offline. I do like the fact that the entire suite is bundled in a single download. The one popular free version that I tried (not HRD) needed to be downloaded in segments which I found to be extremely exasperating. Not having to do that alone made HRD worth the price but, of course, the product is worth the price. The one time I queried customer support was more than satisfactory both in response time and content.


      Edmond, OK

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    • Very good purchase.



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    • HRD Is The Way To Go
      I have tried several digital operating software and have determined that HRD is the easiest and the fastest learning software available. With logging, rotator functions, and many others, it is a complete package. You won't be disappointed.
      30 Year Ham


      West Columbia, SC

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    • Love HRD
      Have had for a few years and love it. Logging and spotting. Simple to use! Had a problem and they were very responsive!


      Boston Ma

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    • Worth everympenny
      Complete control of your radio, even turns it off when your done!
      Wildeman Jack


      Punta Gorda, Florida

      Was this review helpful?

      Having issues downloading but getting great tech support.



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    • HRD - for us non-techies!!
      I have very very limited technical knowledge/ability, so my enjoyment in Amateur Radio simply comes from operating.  I use a FT DX3000 and an end fed wire, so no rotators for me!!  I find that HRD, and especially the DM780 module,  has enhanced my limited capabilities, and allowed me to resurrect an interest in some digital modes that I haven't used in 30 years,  so much so that I have taken part in some contests on behalf of my local club using RTTY, CW and PSK.  From here on in, I won't be without HRD.  I think it's great.  John  GW0RAD 
      John L


      Wales, UK

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    • Great Product
      I'm having a lot of fun with my software and I've also received a lot of help.



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    • Best Purchase for Ham Radio Software
      We are very Lucky to have a product like Ham Radio Deluxe Software.
      Where a lot of the radios produce have a very small display this helps to provide a large display with a lot of functions.
      I have this product running on several radios and it serves a very valuable need.
      I always look forward to the updates and continued development of such a great product,
      Thanks for supporting Ham Radio !



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    • My most important operating aid.
      Ham Radio Deluxe Software is of great importance to me. In particular HRD Logbook, Rig Control and DM780. The software has proved continually to have been money well spent.
      Happy Ham


      Liverpool, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product Great price
      I originally purchase ham radio deluxe about 12 years ago and have been very happy with it. HRD has been very stable and offers a multitude of options. One of the great benefits is you can try, before you buy and once you buy you can keep using it with out additional payment unless you need support or want the newest enhancements.

      All in all I am very happy with my purchase and recommend it to Hams everywhere



      Pacifica California

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    • Great suite of programs
      I use many of the features if HRD and for a fully integrated product it works great for me.
      Support is prompt and I have never been let down when I have raised a ticket.
      There are some limitations but the team are continually improving the suite and adding new features.
      Paul the Scot



      Was this review helpful?

    • Good price
      I like it


      Atwater California

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    • the best help in my shack
      simple to install, some difficulties in setting but aided by an excellent manual, easy to use... once you learn to use it it becomes indispensable


      Verona, ITALY

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    • Good software, works like you would want it to.
      I have used HRD over several Transceivers and 3 different versions of Windows
      Freddy the ferret.


      Kadina South Australia.

      Was this review helpful?

    • You want this
      This program may have come up short in a couple of minor places but they get the kinks worked out. ANd if you have a problem, they are on it FAST! I have had this program for many years and was unsure when it got bought up. I stayed away. But very glad I came back!



      Was this review helpful?

    • User since 2015
      I bought the HRD in 2015 and have only needed technical support a couple of times.

      Great product, even my wife uses it.

      Looking forward to the new version.

      Thanks to the team behind this product for making it possible.

      Compré el HRD en el año 2015 y solo solo he necesitado del soporte técnico un par de veces.

      Excelente producto, incluso mi esposa lo utiliza.

      A la espera de la nueva versión.

      Gracias al equipo que está detrás de este producto por hacerlo posible.
      Cedric - EA4AC


      Madrid - Spain

      Was this review helpful?

    • Happy to RENEW
      |Very pleased with the program. Does everything that I wanted (there are several items that are not available but they are very minimal on my end). The team got back to me within 48 hours and scheduled a call time to discuss and then to fix my problem (was on the digital side) Have suggested to others regarding this program.


      Peoria, Illiinois

      Was this review helpful?

    • The best. Period
      There is literally nothing that I cannot do with this marvelous software. From Rig control to rotator positioning it does it all. Set up is incredibly easy. The configuration menus are  elementary school easy to understand. Buy it, install it and then sit back and enjoy hot. You won't be sorry.


      Norfolk, VA

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    • sayellite use
      I need satellite monitor to allow notification when sat is passing location.
      It shpuld email a notice to user so we can decide to try to contact. Just watching a plot line is waist of time. Allow specific sat. Notification. Live.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product
      Fantwst8c product with great support.


      Atlanta, GA

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    • HRD


      Lisbon, Portugal

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    • operator
      This is an excellent program, making radio operation a cinch and convenient. In addition,
      some of the best customer support around.

      Cliff n0clf


      Blair Nebraska

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Purchase Ever

      The Software is very smart and supports tjw Amateur radio operation in a very eccocient way. Additionally it is easy to handle and deliver an excellent basis of diplomas ond contests.


      Tecklenburg, Germany

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    • Not For the Eye Candy Amateur Radio Operator
      Using this outstanding product for my FT-847 and FTdx-101MP, it has all of the features this retired Naval Aviation Technician, later Naval Aviation Officer (A_6E Intruder), and now DoD weapon system senior system engineer/Chief Scientist needs for DX and esp. digital operations. Some may like to have a mass of buttons to touch infrequently used controls and settings for their radios as in the legacy radios, or as a show piece for those visiting them; but I with but 2 displays and a single piece of software can communicate across the globe using every mode (with a little help for the automatic boring FT8 mode) with ease. Once setting are applied for every mode using DM-780 or within the radio itself, there is no need to reset anything save perhaps DNR and selectivity for noise and pileups. I being a high end tech user with commercial maritime modems along with a sidebar hobby for SIGINT (a former Joint Service SIGINT System Engineering Lead, chasing down clandestine or foreign signals, HRD has it all. I know some would like a better signal display, but really I can ID and track all of the signals and pass them to a complicated SIGINT analyses program I designed for further analyses well beyond the hobbyist need or comprehension. Again, HRD is a one product do it all package - it has the basic buttons and features and modes needed for this hobby. As in the radios I use (down to 4 as any more is a waste of space), it has proven efficient, the logbook easy to use, and DM-780 ma breeze if one understands their radios and how to interface them them to a computer. The contact mapping feature I wish was updated, but that is in the mix for later on I understand. My neighborhood Hams are amazed that with just 2 screens and the 2 HF, 1 SATCOM and 1 VHF/UHF radio and HRD, I can do everything fast and with fewer actions on my part, and often most settings are automatic. From the first HRD version to the present version, if you cannot afford HRD, then this is the wrong hobby for you overall.


      Wright-Patterson AFB

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    • HRD is my Go-To Tool
      My experience with HRD began soon after I restarted my interest in Ham radio in 2022. My use of it has evolved from initial FT8, Awards tracking, and reliable, feature rich logbook management. More recently, I explored DM780 for Field Day bulletin decoding, and I love the satellite tracking view. I have moved away from HRD for contesting, finding N1MM being very handy. But I always import everything into HRD. I've used the support tools and resources. And I've renewed to get the latest features. I've recommended it to many others as it was recommended to me.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Program
      I have been using Ham Radio Deluxe for 5 years. It works seamlessly with my Flex Radio and M2 rotator The ability to link to FT8 upload to LOTW and Club Log has made operating easier.


      Riverside, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Purchase
      Great program been using it for years. Can't wait for the MacOS version to come out.
      Old Ham



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    • Best Company to deal with
      Could not recommend them higher


      Holbrook New South Wales Australia

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    • Excellent Customer Support
      My previous shack PC died and I replaced it with a new laptop. Since originally purchasing HRD my email address linked to the original license key from 2019 had changed. I did not realize that my key was tied to an email address. So I submitted a ticket. Within an hour or so I received a reply with instructions. They quickly updated my email in the key database and all is good.

      ...and this was all without having a current support package for the year. Wow! EXCELLENT support all around!

      I am now working to have all my radios working though HRD to make logging easier.




      Was this review helpful?

    • Wery good for digital modes.
      The reason for my usage is solely digital modes, and by far i think it is better than others i have tried. Since DM is integrated into HRD. Wery easy to set up as well, and not too expencive.


      Arendal, Norway

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    • User since it was free - a good value at the current price
      I have used HRD with Icom 706, 735, and 756 Pro III radios. I connect through it with WSJT-X and WSJT Alert. I used it so much I forgot how to operate from the front panel of my Pro III. I use the logbook function, and plan to try the remote operations feature soon.
      Al in FL


      Fleming Island, FL

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    • HRD
      i find this is the best software for controling a radio and all it's fetures.I use it with PSK31 but i could just as easaly use it for CW/RTTY/and lots of other modes.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Happy to have renewed
      HRD never ceases to amaze me!  It is in my opinion the most user friendly package for amateurs irrespective of age or experience.  Yes, there are short comings, but that is undoubtedly true of any software. I see HRD as a well balanced suite that can only improve as the painfully slow update cycle is introduced. I have tried a number of alternatives, but none have the same ease of operation as HRD. Functions I discovered and thought were unique to other programs are also capabilities that HRD has as standard, but they are accessed in a different way, and often a more logical way.
      There will always be applications that are better at particular aspects of the hobby like Contesting, but I consider that a discipline and applications are specifically written for that single task. If Contesting was my thing, I know my logs could effortlessly be imported into HRD for future reference. Hopefully, along with the rewrite will come updated user manuals. Currently, some instructions predate V5.x!!!  My closing words: The software is good, but it is in transition to make it compliant with modern operation systems. That’s nothing new. Trying to keep legacy programs working on operating systems no longer supported can be costly and ultimately undesirable or viable. I’m in for the long haul !
      Hedley Nogg


      British Channel Islands.

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    • HRD puts you in control
      I use HRD to control both my Yaesu FTDX101 MP and my Icom 9700. Great to have one program that integrates all modes so well.

      What I like to see next is:
      Integration with N1MM so that I don’t have to switch the HF rig on and off.
      Full control over use of digital modes across both my HF and VHF/UHF rigs. HRD is a bit clunky right now 



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    • A ripper! Bloody Bonza mate!
      A never ending flow of features and I'm still finding good things about HamRadioDeluxe.


      Sydney Australia

      Was this review helpful?

    • Customer for life.
      Great product have had for years fairly easy to use and set up with very good instructions and online tech support.


      McHenry IL

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    • HRD makes my Ham Radio EXPERIENCE lots of fun.
      I am usually on the air early mornings. HRD has allowed me to consistently log into nets, see which way to turn my beam, experience different digital modes also, keep my logs, and watch the DX Stations. Some people get frustrated, but in time I learned how to use everything and the TECH SUPPORT has been amazing when I needed help. HRD is a growing experience and I am still learning features it offers. There's no way I would live without HRD at this point. It adds so much automation to my experience.
      Timothy King


      Little Rock, Arkansas USA

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    • hrd software
      the best logging software out there. rig control, satellite tracker digital communications all in one package and it just works.


      egg harbor city new jersey

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    • Looking forward to the next release with updates
      I love HRD overall. Easy to install and configure interfaces with Windows 10. Looking forward to the new release and its interface with Windows 11. Hope that happens soon. HRD makes logging contacts and uploads to LotW easy. Easy to update confirmed contacts into your computer log as well. Thanks HRD Software Team! Really appreciate your work and efforts! chuckw


      Hurricane, UT

      Was this review helpful?

    • Recommend it to anyone and everyone
      I have used it for years and still not explored all of its features.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Purchase Ever



      Was this review helpful?

    • Awesome Product
      I’m new to Amateur Radio. The more I use HRD,  The more I learn about it. The more powerful I realize it is. Great Work!  Thank you for an amazing product. 



      Was this review helpful?

    • Happy Camper
      I'm a 80 year old with linited computer skills. I have found HRD to be a top notch product with superior support.
      When a company understands your limitations and works with you to solve them is a great day for a amateur radio vendor.


      Okatie, SC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very good product
      I really like the convenience of every networks together.



      Was this review helpful?

    • very good all
      ok for any sytuation end all better the condition for use whitout problem . ( sorry for my bad english ... ) 73 by I2JOC .


      city of PAVIA, in ITALY

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    • New Ham
      I've been a radio amateur since September 2021
      I looked for various software to logbook my contacts and the one, due to its functional characteristics that I liked the most, was Ham Radio de Luxe.
      I hope to use it in its entirety soon when I take the class 1 exam at the end of the year.
      Jose Neves


      Lisbon, PT

      Was this review helpful?

    • more digital modes
      For me HRD ist a pecious tool with manny excelent features. As I like to do QRP I would like to have WSPR and JS8Call as well as VarAC in the menue of DM780!
      Willi R


      Vienna, Austria

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Service!
      I have been using HRD for many years. Recently had some issues with updates, the team at HRD were prompt and efficient in resolving the issue!
      5 star to HRD!
      73 de VE3VTG


      Toronto area

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD 2024
      I have been using HRD for many years now, with a Kenwood TS-2000 and then added a Kenwood TS-890 also in the mix. I really like the logging software and how it interfaces with the rig control.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Looking forward for new version
      Read what you guys are working on and looking forward to the next version. Great product. VE2MKE


      Sherbrooke, Qc Canada

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great support and care
      I was really surprised of care taken towards my purchase of HRD and was very please with the quick support.
      Keep up with the great work & support!

      Steve Charron VE2CYV


      Aylmer Quebec Canada

      Was this review helpful?

    • Incredibly good help and support.
      Like to mention the excellent work and efforts done for me to get the credit card detail renewal done due to my credit card expiring.
      Perfect service and help, thank you.




      Was this review helpful?

    • Compagnon
      Ham Radio Deluxe is my compagnon since 2009, running as transceiver control and digital modes, even WSJT-X modes are simply used with HRD as cat control. Almost all my QSO's are auto logged to HRD logbook and sends my log to all online services. I can't imagine my base station running without this great software.


      West Flanders - Belguim

      Was this review helpful?

    • Works
      Works as it should without problems 


      Miller South Dakota

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    • Product & Customer Support
      Great product. Fantastic customer support. 
      Single Side Band


      La Verne,CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe
      This is by far the best logging software application I’ve ever used! It 
      Integrates very well with WSJT-X for FT8.  It is very reasonably priced for the logging features it provides.  The support is excellent! 



      Was this review helpful?

    • IZ4REF Review
      It is the only truly complete suite that could not be missing in a modern amateur radio station. The only thing to improve is the speed and reliability of HRDLOG, if this were done it would be perfect from all points of view.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great
      Jeff Kohn



      Was this review helpful?

    • Frequently reccomended
      I will be the first to admit that I struggled with HRD in the beginning. cumbersome and not simple to set up and learn. Once I got determined to learn and watched the videos I was up and running. Use the help section, use the videos is what I tell folks. Now once you get going good I still find things it will do. This is a workhorse of a suite and I love it. Go get it, Go watch videos and enjoy.


      Farmington, Missouri

      Was this review helpful?

    • Outstanding Multi Functional Logging Program
      The HRD Suite of Programs basically runs my station. Utilization of DM780 and the Logging Program are my major interests... I use the DM780 for my other favorite Modes I.E. PSK, CW make Contacts and Logging a breeze. Operation with JTAlert and WSJT is seamless. My contacts range upwards of 70K and at this time all load without any issues. The logging Side of the program interfaces with HRD.Log, QRZ, ClubLog and LOTW without any issues. No other Programming Software seems to meet my total needs as much as Ham Radio Deluxe does.


      Lake City, FL

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    • Best logging software available
      Program works well Really enjoy how easy it is to log a contact and then upload to LOTW


      Carver MA USA

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    • Top Notch Software
      I wish all my software would work as well as HRD.  HRD is always running when I’m on the air.  I use it with WSJTx and JTALERT. I previously had an ICOM IC-7300 and recently upgraded to an IC-7610. I chose the IC-7610 as the radio in HRD and everything continued to work just like it did with the IC-7300.  A painless upgrade.  


      Shawnee, KS

      Was this review helpful?

    • The best of the best
      HRD is an excellent investment. It’s perhaps one of the best software packages made available to the amateur radio operator. Its many facets provide varied activities within the hobby, everything from logging to Rick control to digital operations of a wide variety. Should you need support, help in any aspect of the program. It’s available and offered by people that really know the product and understand your issues. Quite honestly I can’t say anything bad about HRD and would highly recommend it’s used any ham radio operator.


      Dallas TX

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    • Great for Hams and SWL listeners also
      Great program and great customer support. Support spent a lot of time with me to fix my problem. The response time to my email was very quick


      Queen Anne, MD

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    • Does everything
      Works great and is up to date
      KE4URB Jerry


      Chesapeake Va

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    • Station Control
      Whole station is operated via computer and HRD



      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent value for the money.
      This software has far more options than I am sure I will use but is nice to have them available as I progress with using this software. Have used this product for at least 10 years.
      Casual user


      Cardinal, Ontario

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great software
      This is well worth the money for the support and ease of use

      With so many tools with in the program 



      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe
      Have been using this for many years. It does all I need, log, upload/download to Club Log and LOTW.

      Keeps what stations I have worked and shows if I have either a QSL or a LOTW to confirm the contact.

      Service from the company is very good and quick.

      I like how Ham Radio Deluxe looks on my laptop.

      I have tried other products but keep with what I have got.

      The only other Software I use is N1MM+ for contests.

      Look forward to the plans for 2024.


      Roger G3YBO


      Chesterfield, England

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good software.
      A really good piece of software, or actually it's several programs.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Very Good now and getting better with software rewrite in progress
      Used in the past but went to Linux which is not supported by HRD. Thus switched to CQRLog.

      I recently saw a You-tube and Mike explained the code being completely rewritten to support all platforms. Windows Mac and LINUX!

      I am excited to be supported by HRD, even though it is still in the works. I thought " should I wait till it actually supports LINUX before paying for a new subscription?" Mike mentioned the costs involved. I decided the best way to support this work was to support it now verses later. I set up my LINUX computer with a dual boot option and was able to get Windows 10 working. I was stumbling badly trying to get HRD and HRD log working in Windows. I have not used Windows in years and hate it. BUT I wanted to get HRD log working. I set up a help desk ticket and Kevin scheduled a session for me. He finished setting up everything and it is working amazing. For the cost of the subscription the help service is way above and beyond IMO. I give everything a 5 star except overall a 4. It will go to 5 once LINUX is supported. A big THANK YOU to the HRD Team and I wish you all the best in your rewrite project. I can't wait to ditch Windows AGAIN!!! I am only using Windows to run HRD and HRD log. All other work and computer use is done in LINUX. This is cumbersome but I am willing to do it for a bit while you all continue to work on the LINUX version. 73 Jon N8EM
      Jon N8EM


      Saginaw, MI

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent product
      Great software. Have been using it for many years. Excellent support if required.
      Highly recommend to for amateur radio logging and control.


      Columbus, OH

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great software
      I use HRD in conjunction with other software for my Flex radios.  HRD Logbook works seamlessly with WSJT, GridTracker and SmartSDR.
      I also use HRD with my Yaesu FT897 and FTdx1200.  Makes it easy to see and control the activity on them.


      Yavapai AZ

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    • Excellent product
      Excellent product and tech support is great. Thank you. 


      Mechanicsburg, PA

      Was this review helpful?

    • I really like this software package
      At first the software seems large and complex, but going over the tutorials by the hrd crew and it became my go to software. Integrates with other software for seamless DXing and logging of QSOs. Looking forward to new releases.


      Albany, NY

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good product
      I use hrd for a very long time and its awsome


      Winterswijk Netherlands

      Was this review helpful?

    • Do It all took with excellent service.
      I had been using HRD for over an year now, I’m very happy with the software and the few times I needed the support it was far and top notch.


      Novo Hamburgo, BR

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very good suite for hams.
      This is an excellent group of programs for hams. It has almost all what a ham can find in a quality program for radio. But it will be the best if it could be translate in other idioms such spanish. I have a lot of friends that will get HRDL if it where in spanish too.


      La Rioja (Spain)

      Was this review helpful?




      Was this review helpful?

    • Buen producto
      Buen producto , lo llevo utilizando varios años y estoy satisfecho con las características y posibilidades que ofrece a los radioaficionados.



      Was this review helpful?

      I have been using HRD for several years. I would say that the product is a very good value for what you get.
      I have not used all of the features, but if I choose to add additional parts , I am confident that the outcome will be very good. The items I use are: HRD rig control, DM780 digital and the Logbook. The knowledge base at the website is very helpful as well. Keep up the good work


      Duarte, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Always rhere for me
      I have now been using HRD for at least 8 years and always buy the New Features & Support renewals so that I get the latest features and their assistance when I need it.  I like their integrations between the features and with ARRL LoTW.  I also use the integration between WSJT-X and HRD to easy uploads to LoTW and then downloads from LoTW to my HRD Logbook.  I have needed their tech support several times to either fix my goof ups, misunderstandings or just help to do things that I was not familiar with.  I typically would submit a Support Request of what help that I needed then I’d get an automated response that they got it, then within a working day or even on the weekend I’d get an email with answers or asking me what day and time would be best for the support expert to call me and even login to my PC to assist.  I am totally satisfied with their service, that is why I continue to renew every year and will continue to do so.
      Glen Jenkins, WB4KTF


      Austin, TX

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Package
      I've had the HRD software running for about 1 year now and find it an excellent addition to my radio hobby. The logbook is fantastic and gives excellent information. I use the DM780 for PSK which is great and rig control but can't quite get the dual VFO's of the DX101MP to work properly, but that's probably my fault.
      Overall a brilliant package. Thanks HRD Team.
      Keith G4ZNY
      carrot cruncher


      Milton Keynes England

      Was this review helpful?

    • Always Use It
      I gravitated naturally to HRD years ago. I love the "one-stop-shop" centralized app idea. This is a well-integrated, incredibly useful app that I basically always have active whenever I'm on the air.
      That said, I'd love to see the following features:
      1. Contesting features for logbook. Yes, it's best to use N1MM (which I do). However, N1MM doesn't play together with HRD at all. There is no way to have both N1MM and HRD active and able to control the rig, because N1MM doesn't support the IP-based HRD rig control channel. This is really more N1MM's fault than anything, but I'd love to be able to resolve this.
      2. Support for WSJT-X modes (e.g. FT8) in DM. Probably asking too much and may not even make sense.
      3. Built-in "PSK Reporter" and RBN-style windows
      In short, it would be cool to have commonly-used features and apps integrated into HRD as opposed to needing 5 different browser windows and apps open.


      Huntsville, Alabama

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Product The reason I did not give a 5 on all the support. It seems at times we have to wait a couple of days to get technical support- It seems more help is needed.
      Very helpful product for my logging.



      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Works
      Good program that works. Setup was simple. Logging features are easy to use. Radio control is strait forward. Setup was a breeze. Try it, you will be happy you did.


      Falls Church, VA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Support
      I had an issue populating SW data. HRD set up an appointment and fixed the issue remotely and advised what I was doing wrong.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Software
      I remember the days of Simon. Many of us donated to Simon to build, maintain and improve HRD software. Actually, I think I donated more then than I pay now! I have tried a number of other logging software programs over the years. But honestly none compare. Yes from time to time there is a bug in HRD that needs to be fixed. Yes sometimes the support is overwhelmed and it takes a while to get someone to help. Gosh how glad I am that never happens with my multi-thousand dollar transceiver.
      When I look back and consider how much more stable the software is now and how much more it does, I am so happy that Mike and his team picked up the ball and kept HRD going. The only thing I could wish for is that the somehow merge the great contest capability of N3FJP with HRD. Contesting is the one thing that HRD doesn't do as well. But N3FJP is wonderful.
      I have been a ham for over 50 years. I have owned many different radios, amplifiers, tuners etc but I have always used HRD software! Yes there were a few times when I would use the new kid on the block so to speak, but I always came back. That must say something! You folks at HRD keep up the good work. I know you have some great advances coming. I am anxious to see what is next.



      Cumming GA

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    • HRD
      I have been using HRD since 2011 pretty easy to use with many great features like LOTW integration antenna control plus much more. Can really recommend it /Christian SA5BUM
      Chris ,SA5BUM


      sweden / Torshalla

      Was this review helpful?

    • Super!
      Simpel to Buy!
      PA7RA (Rien)


      Bergen op Zoom

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Software
      I've used HRD for a few years and have found it to have met all my needs...tnx HRD for a great product.
      Jerry - WA8EQP


      Midland. Mi

      Was this review helpful?

    • short
      I enjoy HRD . I use it mainly for FT8/ FT4 for logging with WSJTX and auto upload to QRZ and it works great. I have used it for satellite tracking with my ICOM 9700 it works very well for that as well. I recommend this program to all and I do not mind supporting a great program like this.


      Richlands, NC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great essential tool
      HRD has solved several challenges for me.  It is a full featured and versatile software tool.  It has made getting into ham radio easier and allowed me to address issues with using my system remotely.

      Great product and outstanding tool set.
      Jerry AA7JE


      Fruitland, UT

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very comprehensiv
      This software does most everything. I still need to spend a lot of time familiarizing myself with all of the features, but the most critical features are easy enough to use.
      Rocky Dude


      Goldsboro NC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Solid product
      Solid application with great features


      Jax, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • since 2013
      I've been using HRD for a decade, and don't see any reason to try something else (although I have)..
      The product and product support was less than optimal at the beginning with lots of crashes. With the new management, I have found that they have taken the product seriously and have fixed many bugs..
      I have found the need only a couple of times to have to resort to their technical support. The last time was a winner..Logbook never would launch...I'm sure it was my reason, as I did a cleanup of the PC and something critical was lost.
      Ferry was able to log into the PC and was able to fix the issue. So far no issues..
      AWESOME Product.


      Wheatland, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Does way more than you think
      Been using this program for a long time. It just keeps getting better and better. At first glance it may seem to just be another program that controls a radio. But it certainly does a lot more. It keeps a log that can be searched, sorted and filtered in many ways. You can keep track of different contacts that you need for different awards plus it can connect to a spotting network and even send a text to your phone when a certain needed contact is on the air. It also includes a great digital signal communication module, too. Really too much to describe without writing a book. Which reminds me, the documentation for the program is really
      good, also. And best of all, once you buy it, it doesn't expire. You should really give the trial version a try.
      Bob's pet human


      East Kentucky

      Was this review helpful?

    • Support
      Very  good support within a day 
      Peter DG



      Was this review helpful?

    • Works great with FT-8
      I primarily operate FT-8. I needed a logging program that would interoperate rig control, WSTJ-X, and JT-Alert, and auto upload to QRZ.com. Ham Radio Deluxe works great for my needs. I tried using Log4OM, and I had numerous issues connecting Log4OM, WSTJ-X and JT-Alert. Ham Radio Deluxe simply works.

      Using the provided documentation, I easily have my logs forwarding to QRZ.com and LoTW.

      I recently participated in the ARRL June VHF contest. I used N1MM+ logger to forward 2m/440 voice contacts to HRD. I used my previously motioned setup to operate 6m FT8. After the contest, within HRD logger, I selected the contacts used for the contest and generated a Cabrillo file.

      I’ve briefly looked at satellite tracker, but I do not have enough experience to provide a review. I’ve never tried Digital Master nor Rotator applications. But based on my experiences with HRD Logbook and Rig Control, I’m assuming those applications work seamlessly too.

      I have never had to contact customer support. The documentation provided is enough for me to get the suite to do what I want it to do.

      If you want a reliable software suite for Ham Radio, this is it.



      San Bernardino, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Worth every penny!
      HRD is the only company these days that lets customers download new software releases just by being an existing customer. I have only needed support twice, one for a tricky configuration and once when Windows 7 support stopped temporarily. As I see it, it's worth it just to have them there if I need the help.


      Colebrook, NH

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    • HamRadio Deluxe on new PC
      When i build new computers for me with other systems i think you can only install 5 times,on my side i get a little trouble with system,for your understanding i testing many transceivers from all factories.When System is running HRD is the best software.
      Ihope you anderstand my little english. 73 Andy



      Was this review helpful?

    • Long term reliable product. Excellent support
      The product is used for DXing in my case. I apreciate its SQL database in future.


      Czech Republic

      Was this review helpful?

    • One product does does it all and very well indeed!
      I cannot recommend HRD enough and I think you would be hard pressed to find one that does everything HRD does. The GUI is much better than most and the versatility has few peer!
      The Old Cop


      Wilmington, NC

      Was this review helpful?

    • nice package
      It is very easy to set up with my older K2. I'm still exploring the capabilities of this package.


      Orlando, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Work well
      Great product 


      Madison WI

      Was this review helpful?

    • primary app for PSK, Olivia, and logbook
      working flawless for many years


      Metro NYC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very good set of applications
      I got this several years ago, mostly for logging. They have added new features but slow to fix known problem s. I prefer fixes over new bells an whistling. All in all it's pretty solid.


      Dallas, Tx

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product
      Great product and been using for years. Cannot wait for a MacOS version to come out. This would be awesome. 


      Walker, LA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product
      Great program, nothing more needs to be said



      Was this review helpful?




      Was this review helpful?

    • Dobry.
      Ciekawe rozwiązania.



      Was this review helpful?

    • An absolute essential for a base rig!
      Control of your radio by computer is great, but what then?  The software makes all the difference.  HRD does everything that an operator needs.  Interfacing with WSJT-X and Gridracker makes my shack with three displays look like an NSA intercept station!
      I have run HRD since Version 6 and will continue to update periodically.  Everyone talks about how good the customer support is, but I have never needed it!  It just works!


      Augusta, GA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Love it!
      I have been using HRD since it's inception. It just keeps getting better and better over the years. Mike and his team are fully engaged in listening to the customers and their issues. I know there are other programs that will do much of the same thing that HRD does, but this is one customer who will always stay with this software.
      Steve V.


      Navarre, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Complete satisfaction about Ham Radio Deluxe
      Complete satisfaction about Ham Radio Deluxe.
      As old porc-farmer I use this product since many years, it gives me the possibility to contact the whole world.


      Brave Belgium

      Was this review helpful?

    • Works!
      It's works as it should, total control of my radio, tons of features so many I haven't got through them all, logbook updates to QRZ etc, overall very happy with HRD and their support team.
      Marcus Kz4mkj


      Palm Bay, Florida

      Was this review helpful?

    • Nákup
      Velmi spokojen. 
      ROSTA - OK2WZN


      Czech Republic

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Purchase Ever
      The best package of programs for hams from all known.
      on a scale of 1-10 I give 10. Clear, intuitive, developed in the right direction, user-friendly, user-friendly application.
      I have been using HRD for 15 years. I started with the free version and now I am happy to have version 6.xx.
      All the best to the whole team and to you Mike.



      Was this review helpful?

    • hrd software
      very happy with software ony being new to Amatuer radio found it helpful as a beiginneer to find my way



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great program
      Have recommended to many hams
      Tom R


      Beresford, SD

      Was this review helpful?

    • More than a Logging Program
      User Friendly logging program loaded with features you will over time, come to appreciate.
      DX Cluster real-time spotting
      Interface with QRZ database (and others).
      Slow Scan TV send/receive capability
      Satellite Tracking
      Remote Control of your transceiver via Internet
      Award Tracking
      Interface with LOTW, EQSL, QRZ, Hamlog, HRDNET
      Free software upgrades
      Excellent customer support


      Jacksonville Beach, FL

      Was this review helpful?

      Being honest and fair about Ham Radio Deluxe, in a few words it can be said that:
      1) It is the most professional and the best finished of all logging software on the market, and it exceeds the needs of the most demanding hams.   2) I compare HRD to an elegant gentleman, impeccably dressed and at the same time seductive, whom after meeting him, it is impossible to do without him.   3) Because HRD does it all, and much more, and the best way to know it is going to the field and see all that this wonderful program does, because seeing and trying it is worth more than a thousand words.
      Thanks to Mike Carper, WA9PIE & VK4EIE and his team for providing the ham radio community with this attractive and constantly updated program. HRD is the top of the line logging software.



      Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Purchase
      Had some slight trouble getting renewal completed, but successfully got it accomplished after I found the PAYPAL button. Support was great at getting me through the process. Great software and I always get the renewal. Keep up the good work.
      Harry Auggie


      Crane, MO

      Was this review helpful?

    • Renewal of my HRD subscription
      Having problems with the HRD software keying my radio Kevin your technician and I are working on the problem. We have another team viewer session this coming Friday 


      Okeechobee, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Product Rating
      Charlie Kp4ej


      Puerto Rico

      Was this review helpful?

    • The best software for digital mode
      I have fond out that HRD works  best for the needs I have for the traditional digi modes. It works well together with my rig. 




      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent software
      This is excellent software. It's very intuitive ana easy to configure. Also working with other programs like wsjtx,


      Ketrzyn, Poland

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great software
      I have been using this software for over 10 years, I am very satisfied including the always punctual and solver assistance!
      I recommend HRD to all hams
      Piero IK1MTX


      Torino, TO Italy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Support
      I recently had multiple issues with a new computer setup. I requested support help and within 3 days a tech support person "Kevin" scheduled a time & day 3 days out over the weekend for a team viewer contact. I reentered the data from my older setup and Kevin provided a World Class Support Service finding a few places I had missed. Monday morning Kevin was on time and fixed all issues and asked me did I have other concerns. I am 76 years old and never seen a better Support Service program. Thank you & 73 de: W8PAW


      Crossville TN.

      Was this review helpful?

    • Satisfied Customer
      I have been a customer for years and when I downloaded the latest version I had some issues. 
      I requested a team view and Kevin responded in a timely manner and resolved the issues. 
      I have had to have some issues in the past and Kevin was the one that resolved my issues previously. 
      Kevin is definitely an asset to your company. 


      Madison AL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Staying with HRD
      I have been using HRD for several months and I keep finding features that make this a robust program for my Logging and operating and keeping track of all the contacts. I have become comfortable with this program for all the great things it does behind the Seens while I'm on the air enjoying amateur radio and all the fun things I'm learning along the way.



      Cheyenne, Wy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very important
      Just as important as anything else in my shack I can’t do or say enough about how it works with everything else in my ham shack 



      Was this review helpful?

    • Solid Log program for starter
      Obtained my license (novice and full) in 2021 so new to the hobby. So much choices to make when you start, radio, antenne and ofcourse a logging program. After searching the internet I started with Log4OM but after a few months the look and feel was not what I was looking for. So purchased HRD. The look and feel of HRD is much more modern. Relative easy set up with great support. If something is unclear post a ticket and very quick response with solution is provided.
      HRD has many possibilities and features, many are (Still) unknown to me, so would like to see more YouTube videos (max 10min) explaining set up, use etc..


      The Netherlands

      Was this review helpful?

    • Why I purchased a renewal
      First of all, a good product needs to be supported and how can you do it other than by purchasing a renewal.
      Of course, the product contains bugs, and I hope they will be corrected



      Was this review helpful?

    • A centerpiece in the shack
      I have been using HRD for about five years.  Initial use was satellite tracking and rotator steering.  The. I learned to use the logging software.  Now Im using DM780 to decode CW.  HRD integrate with WSJT-X seamlessly.  This is the center of my shack and use it daily,  The product is well worth the money and I have no hesitation subscribing to their annual service.  Its a fair price compared to the investment on our rig.
      As with using any computer in the shack, be sure to have a good ground and choked USB cables.  The few times I needed help, I had a prompt response from a competent and friendly tech.  He sorted out my issue quickly.  This is a solid product.  


      Los Angeles, California USA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Comprehensive solution for ham radio operation
      I've been using HRD for about 10 months. This software has enough capability to cover my needs now and in the future. There is a lot to learn but that makes it interesting and enjoyable to use.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Product
      I am a 86 year old op who has severe hearing loss.  I can no longer comfortably operate Voice or CW.  Most all my operating has been on the digital modes for the past few years.  I spend most of my time on FT4, but  use some other digital modes as well.  I have been using HRD for many years and have had to call for assistance a very few times.  I love the ability to be on FT4 or other digital modes and have HRD do all the logging, looking up call signs etc.  The Logbook is really good.  I am still learning as I use the software.  Looking forward to getting the next update.     73  Les
      Old op


      Polkton, NC

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD good
      It is very easy to use for everyday work.


      South KOREA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Ham Radio Control Suite
      I've only been "hamming" for 11 years, having begun the journey at age 71. During a visit to am ham radio dealer, about the time I was getting my ham feet wet, an employee there suggested HRD for logging. I had no other, so I purchased it. As I was cautioned, the program(s) definately have a learning curve, however I've concluded that the benefit far exceeds the burden. As my experience broadened, I found I used more and more of the HRD features, and any time I found I was lost and unable to find my way via the online guides, HRD Support was always able to redirect my efforts and get me back on track. I cannot imagine playing radio without the Ham Radio Deluxe Suite of Programs.
      Old Mountainman



      Was this review helpful?

    • Knowing HRD
      This is just what I think and does it matter, I think so. I have been using HRD for years, back in the days when it was free. I would also like to say that I'm NOT computer savvy. I didn't grow up with computers and didn't have time to learn what computers could do for me. Now that saying, I just love SDR. Do I get along with them, sometime and sometime not. What I would want to see is a help pages that was so simple even us old guys could understand. Slow and simple! Another thing that would help is to be able to talk to some one on the phone when a problem or just a question comes up. I don't mind waiting a day or two, having to email or text a question is a real pain. A real person is what we are looking for. I know you have the world to take care of, and we are so glad you are out there for us. I know I'm not getting all that HRD has to share with us. I like what you do and I hope to know more about how HRD works. Keep up the good work.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great with room for improvement
      I'm a long time users. Many years and radios. Using a computer directly connected to the radio is nice. The HDR Alert has changed the game for me. My log has really improved. Bravo on that one! I now use HRD Logbook and Alert as my primary.

      Improvements. (1) remote operation really must include audio. (2) the spectrum scopes are weak (3) remote HRD should connect directly to radios that have built in servers. Such is Icom 705, 7610, 9700. (4) DM780 should include FT8. SDR-Control has it built in.
      HRD is great software with room for improvement. I use it almost every day. I will continue to renew and love the fact that it keeps getting better.
      Gus Chiggins


      South/Eastern Kentucky

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product, great service
      I was using HRD since it was freeware and it was a collection of great software. A few years ago, it had some ups & downs but the product now is terrific. Many of the bugs have been fixed and some good new features have been added. I've only had to call support once, and the tech stayed online with me until everything was fixed, and then spent some time with me asking questions and showing me how to improve my use of HRD. I highly recommend it and am looking forward to the database upgrade soon.


      Huntsville, AL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Customer Support is FANTASTIC!
      This was the First time i ever contacted HRD  customer support.  They hung in there with me until I got my problem resolved. Way to go Ferry !!!



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Logging Software
      Great interface and flexibility to numerous radios. Very nice, bundled package of accessories. Great tech support, if/when required in a timely manner. All around a great package.


      Hurst, TX 76054

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Support Outstanding
      You can't beat a support Engineer VPN into your computer, and with a few adjustments in the settings, you are good to go...Outstanding, support


      Allen, Texas

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ótima aquisição
      Ainda não tive tempo de utilizar o suporte, mas considero útil ter esta facilidade.
      Usuário Brasil


      Foz do Iguaçu, PR, BR

      Was this review helpful?

    • Valoracion
      Hello, very good, I would like the aesthetic part to also make some changes and be able to choose the language, thanks EB3EAW



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great sowftware suite!
      I never cared much for HRD, ans there were a lot of bugs. Then when it was taken over I decided to give it another try, Things started to work. All the little bugs got fixed. Since then the stuff they have added, Making it easy to integrate outside programs right into the HRD system.

      It gives you a complete software suite that allows you to control every aspect of you radio. I've found things out about my 7300 than I never knew about playing with it's menus. They are adding new features and improving old features at a fenominal rate. I THINK I bought my first copy about 6 or 7 years ago. I have seen a lot of improvements in that time and make sure I keep up my yearly updates so I can take advantage of any new feature right away! I now have nothing negative to say, Unlike the old buggy version that turned me away from it many years ago. The support team is great. Any issues I have had, have been my in-ability to follow instructions! Support staff usually can help me fix any problem by email or phone in minutes and they are always friendly I HIGHLY recommend this suite as it has most anything you will need. If it's not there, put a bug in their ears and next thing you know it's there!
      Steven VE9SY


      Saint John NB Canada

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe Software
      I use this software package every day. No problems
      Bob KF2GQ


      Jupiter, Florida

      Was this review helpful?

    • Fully Comprehensive Ham Radio Software Suite
      Been using HRD since 2006 and have to say in my honest opinion it’s the best stable Ham software on the market. It has every conceivable feature available and integrates well with WSJT. Loggings’ automated with Digi modes. Printing labels for QSL’s is another great feature. Great informative website and excellent customer service. I wouldn’t use any other logging software. Recommend 100%. 


      Blaencwm, Treorchy

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD control FT-991 - FT-817ND
      handling is very easy



      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD keeps innovating
      Being a longtime user of HRD, I know the software well. It does everything an op could ask for but then the developers upped the capability with HRD Alert. With a glance I know who and where I have worked. Simply the best tool so far.



      Was this review helpful?

    • This is what I need!
      HRD supports everything I need with IC-7300. Easy to set up with laptop PC for necessary connections. I highly recommend to all IC-7300 users for sure.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great value
      workhorse for CAT and data modes and logging



      Was this review helpful?

    • Serious and caring towards customers
      Eager to solve all user problems


      Bologna - Italy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Logger
      Very intercative logger, that allows intant cluster check, comand the radio to go to the frecuency and mode for the new contact needed.
      Also interact perfectly with n1mm and the FT8 programs son i dont miss any contact .
      It has many usefull features, I havent try it all, but you may relay on it that works very well.


      Valencia Venezuela

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      I've been a HRD user for a few years now and the new management team and software support are top notch and keep on top of issues reported and are quick to respond with updates or fixes to the issue. Great team at HRD and they get things done!

      Happy user of a very nice piece of ham radio software.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Non


      Neiva Colombia

      Was this review helpful?

    • Long lasting relationship since Simon Brown first version
      A long time ago I looked for some software to control my IC-706MKIIG and have PC's logbook. I choosed HRD by Simon Brown. Yes, it was what I needed and got in love. Many years as a freeware. Since that time things changed significantly. I bought IC-7300, IC-9700 and finaly IC-7610. I had to go to paid version of HRD. No regret. Everything works fine. Last month I had to change notebook with W7 Pro, cos my Logbook failed. But I have backups, so restoring was question of minutes. Thank you HRD!
      What I like the most? Click to cluster record, TRX switches to requested band and frequency and "voilá", I am there. If there is anything unclear, I can find anwers on YT. So HRD, keep up to maintain software actual. I stay your customer for next times.
      Frank - OK2MFD


      Kromeriz, Czech Republic

      Was this review helpful?

    • great support experience
      software updates always bear the risk of loosing some features that were fully functional before... everybody knows this. My ticket was answered at the speed of light and followed up by a scheduled TeamViewer session (tnx Ferry)... Everything is working as expected, thanks for your professional support. vy73/55, Tom... one of your surely many satisfied customers
      Tom, DL1HBT


      Hamburg, Germany

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD was worth the investment!
      I have been using HRD since it was free. I upgraded to ver 6.xx about 3 or 4 years ago and have been enjoying the upgrades. I recently re-subscribed and am enjoying all the newer updates made available since the last. Will renew again in 12 months.


      Central Virginia, USA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent software
      I've used hrd for some considerable time now on atleast four computers and laptops which I prefer I've asked a few times about transferring hrd logbook from one laptop to another didn't get much of a result on that one.But as far as updates are concerned I can only rate as excellent.The team spend a great amount of time and effort in keeping this software up and running and I'm very grateful for this.Keep up the great work..


      Barnoldswick Lancashire UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • hrd
      been using for several years, good program
      old fart


      luzon island philippines

      Was this review helpful?

    • Renewal Value
      Good purchase



      Was this review helpful?

    • Software does what I need it to do
      I have been using the software for a couple of years now and it does everything I need it to do. It controls everything on my 7300 and was easy to incorporate WSJTX into the mix.


      Ottawa, ON, Canad

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Buy
      Great Product, have used it for years.


      7418 Broken Oak Lan

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good purchase
      I am in an limited mode due to antenna problems. I am working on it, due to physical problem have some limitations and while getting better am still holding back.
      I know it is a good product and will enjoy it again once antenna problem is corrected.


      Torrance, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • The best
      I have tried 6 logging programs, HRD beats them all, simply the best ??


      Elgin moray

      Was this review helpful?

    • I Really Love This Software Package
      I first started using HRD a few years ago. I found it very easy to set up and have it working with an ICOM IC-7300, and IC-9700. I've made over 4K contacts since. I use it for phone and digital contacts. The auto logging for the digital modes is so convenient. I have never found a need to look any place else for a different logging program since I began using HRD. I've now become interested in making satellite contacts, and HRD has me covered there too.


      Carbondale, IL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Ham Radio SW
      I have used this SW since before it was a commercial product. I have also done the yearly maintenance, though I have only used it once. That one time my issue was quickly handled by support on the phone.

      I highly recommend it. I am not a daily user, and love that it is so intuitive and I do not have to go through menus on my IC7000.


      Taylor, TX

      Was this review helpful?

    • Satisfaction
      I did get satisfaction ! what a team ! what a great product ! Thank you !
      F1HQD / KO4REZ


      Paris / Orlando

      Was this review helpful?

    • great product
      Highly recommend I use all the time



      Was this review helpful?

    • Nice Tool for HamRadio
      I use the Tool every Day, like it. But i hope, it comming a german version soon... And i hope that FT4/8 include to the tool, i don't like to use many Tools
      Dirk DL1OI


      Burgwedel Germany

      Was this review helpful?

    • The best
      The best software for ham radio and contest



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great doftwsre
      I am very impressed with its functionality and flexibility. It adds to complete my shack!


      Sayre, pa

      Was this review helpful?

    • Long time user
      I have been using HRD for over ten years. As I advanced in HAM skills HRD was there to assist in new skills.


      Crestview, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD 6 is all that I need
      I'm just an old-time rag chewer and HRD 6 has come a long way from the days of the free HRD 4 & 5. It's easy to control my rig from my PC to suit the propagation. It's easy to make adjustments instead of turning knobs on the radio. The logging system is easy to use and maintains previous QSO's instead of using the old paper logs.


      Erie, PA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Service
      Kiven, The man. Great service always.
      sam Sr


      Olympia, WA

      Was this review helpful?

    • I keep coming back to HRD. It's all there!
      Please create a more attractive concise log entry form.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Love it
      I use HRD exclusively!  Fast, efficient, meets my needs precisely for DX/logging/LOTW/FT8 interface.  First thing fired up after bringing the Flex6700 on-line.  Terrific customer service!



      Was this review helpful?

    • Integration
      I've been using this product since it's introduction. It integrates, and as integrated, with multiple radios, interfaces and versions of Windows. The few times that I have had questions the response time was excellent. I current run/manage one digital station and one HF CW station simultaneously.


      Rhode Island

      Was this review helpful?

    • It just WORKS !!
      It works.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe: Logging software and a whole lot more.
      Once you install Ham Radio Deluxe, you're in for a real treat! Logging contacts is just the tip of the iceberg with this software. Being able to track satellites, decode and transmit using CW, PSK, RTTY, and other digital modes are fantastic features. You even get SSTV. The spotting cluster is nice as well, if using a beam, you will see the direction that you will need to rotate your beam to get the best signal. Ham Radio Deluxe also has contest modes built in. I have used Ham Radio deluxe for a few years now and I still find things that I didn't know the software was able to do. Some of the other nice features that I enjoy is the logging software uploading my contacts automatically, as soon as the contact is logged. For 100 dollars, you get a lot of features and they are always improving the product with new and\or stream-lined features. Love it.


      Peoria Heights, IL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best



      Was this review helpful?

    • Good SW and assistance
      Satisfied with the product and its assistance



      Was this review helpful?

    • Worth every cent.
      I've used HRD for several years now and I found it to be a one-stop
      software suite for my purposes. It controls both radios, antenna and
      has excellent logging. I have recommended it to several hams and they
      all agree with my evaluation. Software is quickly updated with new
      features. Tech support is responsive and vey helpful.


      Phoeniz, AZ

      Was this review helpful?

    • The good better and the best
      This software is good.
      It always can be better for those who like to be perfect.
      For me, it is the best program i ever had !

      So, I.am well pleased whit this software for my Yaesu FTDX10
      Have fun whit your hobby,
      Greayings from O.M. Dirk
      Call Pd0dna


      Arnhem Netherlands

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe w/Support Purchase
      Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) provides software control of my YAESU FT-450D HF Radio. I have asked HRD Software Support to help with clearing an incorrect setting in the HRD License Manager. Digital Master 780 and Logbook are used every Start up.
      My primary interest is DX with WSJT-X modes using FT-8. I use HRD Digital Master 780 to communicate digitally CW (SSB), RTTY 45 (AFSK), BPSK-31, BPSK-63, and MFSK-16 modes during ARRL/Field Day, Winter/Field Day, and other Tests. Additionally, I listen to daily ARRL Bulletins modes to discover conditions for DX QSOs. I also use an external modem to Key and Communicate - Microphone (USB Audio CODEC / Speakers (USB Audio COEDC) allowing control over TX/RX Audio Levels to prevent over modulation (splatter) and distortion.


      Maryville, TN

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    • My main rig control software
      I have had HRD for many years and realized how powerful it really was not only for Rig Control, but also for Satellite Communications and lots of Digital Modes. The DM780 section for Digital is constantly being updated to keep up with the latest Rigs!
      I also use HRD to interface with 3rd party digital software...(WSJT-X) again...no problems all my contacts are logged into the HRD logbook!


      Lowell, MA

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD, A quality product
      i have been using using HRD for many years going back to when it was free. I have been using the paid version(s)
      for several years now and have watched it evolve into a great asset for Amateur Radio Operators.
      I recently had a major issue with HRD in which i sent off several Tech Support requests that i got several suggestions
      to try, unfortunately none of them work. I got a call from an HRD tech who logged into my computer with my permission and he immediately found several issues in the program, he corrected them and since then HRD has been running flawlessly.
      Outstanding Tech Support.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Don
      Great product but hard to use this email.


      Tucson, AZ

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    • Greta program
      I use the HRD Software as an interface to my Yaesu FT-991. The interface works smoothly .



      Was this review helpful?

    • The best
      I believe the most complete SW there is for radio amateurs, I had some problems with the log program, I hope the current dBase will soon be abandoned to switch to a safer and more performing one.


      Toscana, Italy

      Was this review helpful?

      You cant go wrong with the support package , not only is it great value for money but all and any of your problems are sorted out very quickly indeed by the team, nothing is too much trouble . Im really happy with the help and support ive received so far and will continue to buy the support package , everyone should buy this big thanks to mike and the team for all the good work they do .. ray


      Glasgow Scotland

      Was this review helpful?

    • The good better and the best
      HRDeluxe is een goed programma voor de radio zendamateur.
      HRDeluxe is een van de betere programma,s voor de radio zendamateur
      HRDeluxe is voor mij het beste programma als radio zendamateur!


      Arnhem Netherlands

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD essential here
      The deep menu functions on my Yaesu FT-950 are significant. The parameter adjustments are difficult to reach by the radio's menu keys. Fortunately, HRD rig control allows me to easily set up an array of sliders for those parameters. Functions such as noise blank levels, power output, digital noise reduction can quickly be trimmed.

      The logbook application provides all of the necessary features for record keeping and access to LOTW as well as contest format reporting.

      Digital Master provides excellent operation of the digital modes through my stations sound card interface.

      Best of all, upgrades are provided consistently after the initial purchase via HRD's download. Buying the support is a no-brainer.

      New York, Finger Lakes


      Finger Lakes region of New York state

      Was this review helpful?

    • An up-to-date product from an outstanding team
      I have been using HRD software since 2013. Over the years, the improvements have kept pace with the state of amateur radio in both direct ways (including support for new radios and modes) as well as indirect (improvement in logging, use of electronic QSO verification sites, etc.). In the past few years, communication from the owners has increased to include periodic updates about new features and enhancements as well as future plans. I don't know of any other company in the amateur radio world that does that.
      Another big plus of HRD is that it has so many users that third parties build their products to be compatibility with HRD. I can run WSJT-X under HRD to interface with HRD Logbook. If I am contesting, there is a bridge that allows me to use HRD suite of products (logbook and digital master) with W3FJP contest logging software.


      Northeast Florida

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Soft
      Best Soft, support is OK


      Sao Paulo, Brazil

      Was this review helpful?

    • All I Need
      I have had HRD for quite a while & it still serves me well. If it could fulfill some of my other needs like, putting up antennas, chores around the house, yardwork, etc. would be nice. Maybe in the next update...
      B O


      Mayfield, Ky

      Was this review helpful?

    • Software to buy!
      The support service is excellent and fast, almost always everything is solved in the best possible way


      Italy, Catania

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    • I have been using HRD since 2007 and love it.
      First, I never thought I would be using the log as much as I do. I have over 4000 QSOs in my HRD log. I initially used DM780 extensively with PSK31. I got my DXCC with over have of the counties reached via PSK31.

      Probably the one item that convinced me to renew support every year is the fantastic support that HRD supplies. If anything goes wrong on my system they are right on top of it, no matter how simple the issue is. Over the years they have kept expanding the features and many of them I don't use. Only in the last months I have gotten into mode dealing with Satellites. It is fantastic.

      There are many other features that I don't use. For instance I don't have a beam antenna, yet I was able to get my DXCC with a vertical and OCF dipole. It's the fact that HRD enables me to work many different modes successfully and log them and simply add them to ARRL's Log Book of the World.

      I love the system and highly recommend it.

      Howard K6SID
      Howard K6SID


      9029 Oak Trail Circle, Santa Rosa CA 95409

      Was this review helpful?

    • I have used for many years and very pleased
      I have used HRD for ten plus years . I use it for rig control and logging and could not be more pleased. Never had a problem.
      Jim in GA


      Atlanta GA

      Was this review helpful?

    • customer support great
      While HRD is a big, complex program, and as a casual user, I get messed up now and then, but they have always been excellent to hold my hand through the dumb things I generally do. They have personally shown me a couple of tricks and things that I was doing the long, hard way.
      On the slightly negative side, they can be a little slow to return calls. They always do, but, come on, this is a small company with customers world wide, therefore they may call them any time at all. It is always 5:00 some place where they are running HRD on the air.



      Was this review helpful?

    • For Digital Mode Operations - Easy, Fast - Lots of FUN
      I tried other products and found that HRD DM-780 is easy to download and get on the air.
      I now switch bands, modes and tune up in under 1 minute.
      Lots of digital modes. Mores than I can name here.
      Thousand of contacts made.
      Logging a QSO is easy as 1 click.

      All of my digital awards certificates are displayed on my QRZ page.

      Customer support is OUTSTANDING!!!
      Friendly, courteous, explains everything, very helpful, on the few occasions I have called.

      In my opinion, the best value for your dollar to get on the air with digital modes.

      Captain Cyberspace


      Boston, MA

      Was this review helpful?

    • A great tool for radio hams
      It works great and keeps my log book up to date and clean of mistakes.
      The set up is easy and it works always as it should.


      Central Israel

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      Great people to work with when an issue develops. I will say, that I have been using HRD for almost 11 years and have only had to contact support three times. Each time support was able to advise me and help me resolve the issue.
      Russ McGuire KU4UK


      Bessemer, AL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great stuff
      Flawless make this a value activity for me



      Was this review helpful?

    • All In One
      Good value for the money.
      Could use better phone support
      Old DXER


      Augusta Ga

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good Support
      I have had to call on HRD support staff twice to set their product up for me on a new PC and to make sure that it worked as advertised. Each time they made sure I was completely happy and on the air without alot of fluff.


      Niles, IL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ottimo acquisto
      Utilizzo HRD da diverso tempo e mi sono sempre trovato bene anche per quanto riguarda l' assistenza



      Was this review helpful?

    • The control software to use.
      I had an issue installing an update. Unfortunately I don't remember who helped me but we got connected and within less time it takes to reboot my computer he had my problem solved. It had to do with a registry entry. He knew right where to look. I'm a techie myself so what he did was perfectly suitable to let the latest version function. Great background on the product. Excellent support in answering my questions. He pointed out a few new features as well.


      Federal Way, WA

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    • Over a Decade Later I'm Still Using HRD
      The truth is HRD is better than ever thanks to PIE and his colleagues. I loved the shareware version, but am very glad I upgraded to the commercial software when that came out. It serves my needs perfectly within its capabilities. It is not and never will be a contest logger, I know that, but I've got N1MM for contests; for everything else HRD is all I need. That said, like anything, it is not perfect. The much awaited band scope for the Icoms turned out to be a huge bust. That could be (much) improved and should be. The program is beginning to look a little old as well. And there are other things that need to be brought up to date. OTOH, the labeling is finally working perfectly for me. Also, it's been a long, long time since I've had any crashes or other misbehavior. Bottom line, there's plenty of newer software out there...but none of that has turned my head. I'm sticking with good, old Ham Radio Deluxe!


      Mobile, AL

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    • MUY BUENO.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Easy - Fast - Fun Way to Play on Digital Modes
      Changed over to HRD with DM-780 after having problems with other digital programs. No extra cables, no extra virtual ports, nothing else needed and I am on RTTY, PSK, FT8, FT4, Contestia and a host of other digital modes, all with just a couple of mouse clicks.

      Full Rig Control from the software is outstanding.

      Logging and uploading to LoTW, QRZ or others with just a click, could not be easier.
      How many awards do you have?

      It can't get easier than this.

      Support team is 100 % USDA GREAT!
      So much bad advice on You Tube. Yes, some of the stuff works the way a YouTuber shows you.
      But there excess, no need for the extra cables they say you need, etc.

      The tech support team will optimize your setup in minutes.
      They very helpful and as we say in Boston, Wicked Smaaarrt.

      I highly recommend HRD with DM-780 to everyone.

      Captain Cyberspace


      Boston, MA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe - What Else?
      I have lost track of how many happy years I have been a user of Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) It was provided initially by Simon G3ELi whilst living in Switzerland and it was but a few year later taken over by the team in the USA. Over the years, even though no longer free, it has been my number one for radio. Yes I have had minor problems but a quick contact with the HRD team has provided the solution either direct or by a later update. I could not survive without the logbook which links with many other radio bits and could not be bettered.

      My main interest is digital modes where it excels, especially accepting add-ons, but happily accepts CW, SSB records and linden with qrz.com keeps a total record of the QSO which I upload to LoTW on a daily basis.

      The small number of times `I have been in contact with HRD Admin and Techy I have been 100% happy with their support.
      Long may they continue, well worth the money and I would be lost without HRD.


      Nottingham, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • the best complete package for ham radio
      There are so many great features in one program. You do not have to use all functions, but can just use the one or those that are just necessary for what you are currently doing, eg logbook and rotor for FT8. Or one can use all the features when driving satellite traffic. Automatically uploading logs to other online logbooks is another huge benefit, and keeping track of what is verified or unconfirmed in the logbook is so easy and straightforward. Printing labels for paper QSL cards is another good thing.
      Personally, I thought that one can keep finding new things that the program can, or new way of using things.
      So all in all a great tool for radio amateurs ---------



      Was this review helpful?

    • Good investment for radio
      It is a very complete software that I use not too often for digital modes like the PSK31 and SSTV when there is propagation. Now I am trying to find out how the satellite mode works.

      There are fewer and fewer OMs doing RTTY or PSK, more FT8 or FT4.

      For my part, it is a fashion that does not attract me. I prefer to discuss by keyboard interposed in PSK.
      The software is very complex and I do not master everything, especially as my English is average. I don't understand everything and it takes a lot of fumbling to figure out how it works.
      The software is connected to my radio directly by the USB cable and it works fine. Too bad the user manual does not have an option in French.
      Otherwise I'm happy with my investment in purchasing HRD and when I use it it responds present.
      Good job from your development team. Thank you for what you are giving us. Keep going.


      New Caledonia south pacific.

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good news for a very worthwhile product
      I have used HRD for a number of years and find it very reliable. I couldn't operate without it! A good friend
      recommended it while we were at the Visalia conference and after a demo, made the purchase and never
      been sorry.
      Mort Eriksen in CA
      Mort Eriksen, KA6D


      Rancho Cucamonga, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Convenience
      Find HRD extremely helpful with my IC7300, and FT857.
      Puts full control in one place without drilling through endless menus


      N Ft Myers, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Works pretty good
      I have been using HRD for over 10+ years. I wish the Logbook could be customized to allow how each field is arranged which would make data entry easier. For example I would like to enter Callsign, then tab to RST, then tab to Name, then tab to QTH, and finally tab to Comments section. It takes too long to tab to each of these key data points.
      A CW Operator



      Was this review helpful?

    • Superior software suite
      I have been a loyal HRD software user for years. I’ve tried others but always return to HRD. 
      The technical  support is superior and reliable.
      A fine product Mike!   Thank you and Blessings in these troubled times 
      NQ4A. Jon


      Richmond VA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Quality Software
      Great Program. Very stable and many features...

      I also use several other programs including DXBase which I have been using since the DOS version..



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Ham Log
      Good and a updated Ham software


      Madrid, Spain

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    • Work Horse
      I've used Ham Radio Deluxe Software for many years. I use it every day. It's a great product that promotes our hobby.
      As for Support, I've only had a couple of support tickets and they were handled very quickly.
      These were due to my system issues not an HRD problem.
      Great support staff. I appreciate their patience with someone who is not so computer savvy.
      The HRD Logbook works great as well as the HRD Rotator control.
      I'm sure there are other features I have not discovered yet.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best logging software!
      I have used 4 different logging programs and HRD is by far the best. The customer service is incredible and fast. I had an issue on a major holiday and someone fixed the issue within 30mins. The digital programs all work well, lotw, Eqsl are very easy. I cannot say enough. I have used the program since 2010 and have seen great changes to make it user friendly. Most of the people i know in my area are now all using HRD and love it. 


      SE Massachusetts

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Product
      This product is the best one that I have ever used. I do like the logging system and the radio control. The updates and fixes are well engineered to keep the program running smoothly. And the price for the program is quite comparable with others on the market today



      Was this review helpful?

    • Enthusiast of the product
      I use the entire HRD suite from many years and it's a pleasure use it as support for my hobby.


      Perugia - Italy

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD is my shack runner
      I have been an HRD user since 2014. It has advanced quite a bit over the years and is constantly being improved. This software not only controls my rigs, provides many digital modes in DM780, but is also a great logbook. It can use either flat ACCESS files or SQL, parses data quickly, and has the ability to automatically upload all of your contacts to the many online loggers such as ClubLog and QRZ (LOTW is a manual process). Once configured, HRD logbook makes QSLing easy. Support has always been tricky in this industry/hobby where you have a huge group of users with an insanely huge hardware base and it can be daunting to have to deal with that on a regular basis. When nobody wants to read the manual before turning in a trouble ticket, I can see how frustrating it might become. I have been doing IT support for over 30 years, I get it. That being said, support has not been it's strong point. There is a huge user base and many forums to get help from elmers which is where I recommend anyone start when having issues. Above all, this is the best all in one package for Amateur Radio Operators and is a must have in your shack.


      Boise, ID

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD is all you need.
      Starting as a radio amateur is not easy for newcomers. But with HRD you cover up to 90% of all modulations available in the amateur radio world. Everything from CW to digimodes. Logging program with award control. Contest program. I have been with this program since Simon developed it and have lived with all the bugs it has had, but ever since it became a paid program I have probably renewed my subscription so I always have the latest version. Seeing how the program has evolved and been perfected is impressive. There are many who think you HAVE to pay a license every year, but that's wrong. If you have paid for HRD you can use it without restrictions for as long as you want. But I am happy to pay for the program to evolve even more. The modes that HRD does not support, they make sure that they can import the QSOs from that software so that they also appear in your award and logging section. I can definitely recommend HRD to everyone.
      HB9GIM - OZ1EQC - OV2V


      Obwalden, Switzerland

      Was this review helpful?

    • The only Rig Control, logging, digital mode software I use
      I have had issues in the past that the support staff have handled. Most of my issues were PC related.


      Dallas, Texas, USA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great software and technical support
      HRD's software is excellent. So it it's technical support. If there is any problem at all, it's that when problems due develop, and no software is perfect, it often takes tech support to work it out. But they do -- tech support has been great.


      Chicago, IL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Ham Radio Software
      Great support software for all my amateur radio needs, with top notch support aimed at resolving issues as they arise. Simple to use and operate, designed and built by 'hams' who have been listening to what was needed.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Upgraded to include ICOM 705
      I purchased the annual update so I could use HRD with my new Icom 705 as the old version did not have that radio.  While I could have made it work using the 7300 profile, I decided to go ahead and pay for the support for the next year.  The program does a nice job of controlling the 705 along with the Kenwood TS890.  Using the satellite program, I am able to use the 705 to listen and track the ISS and other amateur satellites.   The doppler control works as good on the 705 ad it does on the 9700  A good overall program that over the years has been improved and support has always been excellent.   Keep up the excellent programming. 73


      Rio Rico AZ

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great tool for any operator
      easy used easy set up and i could not do without HRD now


      Northern Ireland

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good choice, no regrets!!
      During my 3 years experince with the programm I never had to wait longer than a couple of hours after my cry for help!!


      Southern Bavaria, Germany

      Was this review helpful?

    • A few notes about HRD
      Ham Radio Deluxe is a very complete software to control almost all functions of your radio. It evolved from early free versions, to become a feature-packed, fully fledged radio control software. In spite of using it every day, though, I feel I have only scratched the surface of it and there are plenty of functions I will continue to discover day by day.

      One possible difficulty with HRD is exactly its complexity: being so configurable, an inexpert user may feel lost amid all the possibilities offered - at least this is what happened to me. Also, I have the feeling that the programs making up the suite have evolved incrementally, to the point that the whole lacks a sense of unity. Is it maybe time to review the GUI so that the user feels more in control ?

      A few isolated things I'd like you to improve on:

      - When a new QSO is added, I have to start entering the call sign, and only then the time: if I start with the time then the call sign, the software automatically defaults to the current time. In this period for a number of reasons I can't connect the radio to the computer so sometimes I record my QSOs on a paper notebook and enter them several minutes after they happened, and I have to remember the correct sequence. It would be nicer if the time did not change no matter when it is entered.

      - Searching a call sign among those in the database is sometimes difficult. A "find" function would be nice (if it already exists I was not able to find it...).

      - Finally, I really think it is about time to move away from Microsoft Access and use some more capable database...

      Thanks for your efforts to improve HRD !


      Perugia, Italy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Amateur Software
      I have used Ham Radio Deluxe since the early days and have been through many iterations. The new version is the best and only needs a couple of tweaks. I am a very basic user, not using rig control, rotor control, satellite tracking, etc. I use it 100% for logging and originally for RTTY, then some PSK31 and have sampled Slo-Scan TV and did a few CW contests using the CW function. Every function I've ever used has worked flawlessly. The HRD Logbook is one of the most "fluent" logging programs I've seen, interfaces well with DM780, and has been constantly upgraded for eQSL and LoTW. In the newest upgrade, though, the "Filter" portion of the logbook has been changed with the added "Apply" button. In my opinion that has turned the callsign search into a useless function. The old version was interactive at all times. Example: If one entered "2Z0" in "Callsign" it automatically brought up all the calls beginning with "2Z0". When finished, simply deleting the "2Z0" would go back to the full logbook. The new version requires entering the "2Z0", clicking "Apply", then perusing the list. When finished, you must delete the "2Z0", unclick the checkmark in the "Callsign" box, reclick "Apply" to bring back the full logbook. When actively working stations, it is very cumbersome. This is a very small detraction and most likely the majority of users do not use the search function as often as I do. Overall, this is an excellent program and I'm not aware of anything available to compete with it.


      Lyndonville, VT

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    • Excellent Software and support
        This software makes amateur radio much easier.  Controlling your radio and providing digital tools is a big help.  This software has many features for all parts of HAM radio.  

      The support is great with frequent updates.  I have not encountered any issue resulting from a new software update.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Logging Software
      HRD is great software for logging. It has so many great features.


      Lebanon, MO

      Was this review helpful?

    • Still the best!
      I have been a HRD subscriber since the program was first made available by Simon HB9DRV. Over the years I have taken advantage of several other programs 'trial' offers. In every case I find HRD works best for me as it integrates all my operational needs into one package. The one clear advantage I see over other programs is the ongoing improvements and commitment to following up and correcting problems identified by the user community. HRD also interfaces well with my Elecraft station, Navigator interface and programs like MMTTY and WSJT-X . Recent updates also allow for quick and easy printing of multiple QSO report labels for QSL cards. It still the best program for me.
      Bill - W0BBI


      Branson, Mo

      Was this review helpful?

    • The best ham software ever
      The best Ham Radio software ever
      It is the only software you will ever need Kevin gives the best tech support and has the ability to make it easy to understand what has to be done 
      Don’t think twice about it    buy it
      I am not being pair for my honest review 


      Los Gatos CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Puts fun into Ham Radio
      Guys, I can’t say enough good things about HRD.  I hear some negative comments about the maintenance agreement being too expensive but the fact is they don’t realize how much work it takes to keep the software up with the new rigs coming out plus adding new features and offering great support.  Keep up the good work.


      Easley, SC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best radio control and logbook features
      I've been a long time user, I saw all improvments. I prefer the logbook features and keeping all my QSO records. I use a lot of the label printing that is now fixed.


      Terrebonne, QC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Fantastic Software
      I have been using HRD since it first came out in 2003! It has done nothing but get better and better. I got out of radio for 3 years and I just returned in January of 2021. When I have time I will contact Support about how to setup a SQL data base I forgot how to do it LOL. Guy's keep up the great work.


      Kona Hawaii

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    • Great Ham Toolbox
      Many years as a user and I update each year.
      Feature packed. Continue the good work and keep up with the evolving technology.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Well worth the investment!
      There's nothing I can write about HRD that hasn't been said already however from a very amateur amateur it's worth every penny!
      Although the need for keeping a written log has long since been not a requirement in the UK I still like to keep a note of my contacts and having tried a few of the alternatives on offer I believe that HRD is simply best value for money.
      If you add up all it's on-board features plus the live support, should it be required, it's a no brainer!


      Edinburgh, Scotland.

      Was this review helpful?

    • The Best of the Best
      Nothing negative to say guys. I use HRD since i am licensed in 2011

      73, de DO1IP


      Wermelskirchen JO31 PC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Purchase
      Been using HRD for approximately ten years and it has always worked well.  I have updated to new versions throughout and have never experienced any problems.  


      Bristol, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best logging program
      I had trouble connecting at first but finally got it working. Rig control is fantastic.


      North Port, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellence in Radio Communications.......HRD
      Ham Operators who have not signed on to HRD are doing them self a great disservice.
      HRD is a well rounded highly tuned app that will excell your Ham operations.
      In 2014 I signed up with HRD started my DXCC quest to date I have 301 entity's
      This all due to the design of HRD operations.
      paddle guy


      Los Angeles, Ca.

      Was this review helpful?

    • Self - Retired Electrical Engineer PE
      I really like your product. My computer took a dump several months back. I had to reload HRD and WSJT-x. I had to reinstall Windows 10. It was supposed to save the original files but Since it was a hard drive problem I think I lost some files. I had to download my logbook from LOTW. I would be nice if there was a recovery feature whereby previous logs/files could be retrieved from an alternate source. I did di it, it did work but it was not fun.
      Radio Rick


      Woodstock Il, 55 miles NW from Chicago.

      Was this review helpful?

    • Awesome product
      Simple, easy to use



      Was this review helpful?

    • good
      Good software for ham.
      Please integrate the STEPP IR Antennas Controllers !


      Timi?oara, Timi?, Romania

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best purchase ever
      Awesome program!



      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD and DM780 are great tools!
      I use Ham Radio DeLuxe and also the companion DM-780 for CW activities. When using DM-780 I usually also use Winkeyer USB, which was designed by the Engineer for use with DM-780 by the engineer who developed WK USB. There was a steep learning curve, but I've found that the hobby is all the more enjoyable when we learn from applying it. Once configured the way I wanted it, HRD and DM-780 are rock-solid performers.
      Blue Emu


      Greenville, SC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Product and Support
      Great product and support.



      Was this review helpful?




      Was this review helpful?

    • Quality Product
      I chose HRD years ago as my rig control/logging program after reviewing every Windows-based program on the market. I consider it to be the 800 lb gorilla when it comes when it comes to the competition. It has worked very well for me and I've yet to find another program to get my attention. I've only needed support a couple of times over the years. HRD was quick to effectively respond. I am NOT an HRD fanboy. If I find something better, I will jump ship...but I haven't.


      Northern Arizona mountains

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Product and Outstanding Customer Service
      I am a long time user of HRD and have enjoyed using a one source product for my logging, digital modes, CW decoder, DX cluster, and more. As I am getting older, my hear loss has given me issues while operating in the CW mode. I enjoy CW as I have used that mode as my main interest for over 50 years. The CW decoder or reader is a blessing to help fill in what I miss during a chat or QSO.

      A few weeks back I made a mistake shutting down my computer and thought I had damaged the HRD files. I submitted a request for help and within 12 hours had a full functioning HRD once again. Plus watching the service staff remotely update, clear, correct, and simplify my HRD gave me a free educational class on many of the features of the program that I did not understand how to use. Overall HRD has been my best investment in this hobby and will continue to be a blessing to help me enjoy amateur radio everyday.
      Thank you HRD


      Brownstown, MI

      Was this review helpful?

    • Don't Miss Out
      HRD suite of integrated applications provide effective CAT control tailored to your radio. I use main app to memorize favorite net frequencies, band plans, etc. Log integrated with QRZ for instant lookup by call sign. Also upload to ARRL LOW. I've used HRD DDE interface to HDSDR for spectrum/waterfall and click to tune control of radio. Also use HRD to control radio when running WSJT-X for FT8. Just upgraded rig to FTdx101MP. It's an impressive tool very reasonable cost. Have not needed support, but you want it to get updates.


      Laurel Springs, NC

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    • HRD with Satellite Tracking
      I'm currently moving to a new QTH in Florida, while in my rental I upgraded/extended my HRD.

      I'm very happy with the Satellite Tracking using my IC-9700. I've also have the pass bands plugged into the software and I can't wait to get in my new QTH.
      I've made contacts here at the rental. This last upgrade was a real surprise utilizing the Satellite Tracking. Thanks...73
      Satellite Stan


      The Villages, Florida

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent for rig control
      I use HRD only for rig control. I do not do DX or digital. Hence, much of the program holds no value for me. That is the reason for the reduced value rating. I have been using HRD for many years (early in the Simon days), watching as it grows.

      I would like seeing a simple version that is ONLY for rig control. It is certainly possible - merely divorce the DX and digital routines from the main program. If it is not a modular system, it should be. Thus affording this flexibility.


      upstate NY

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Stuff
      I'm finding it so involved I can't really give an expert opinion.
      Every day I find something I didn't know about.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Ham Software for OMs and Newbies Alike
      HRD is easily installed and configured alike. I have been using it for many years, back to when Simon was still updating the product, and used the free version for some time. It has come a long way since that time thanks to new developers, tech support, and owners/managers. I use it daily, if the radios are on then HRD is on, and it will connect both my FTDX-3000D and my FT-991A simultaneously. There is a bit of learning curve, but good documentation and forums as well as Facebook are all very helpful.


      Rancho Cucamonga, CA

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    • Seems to be a good purchase. Not easy to get help learning to use it though.
      I have owned the software for a few years, have never learned to use it very well HRD does not help much, I did get assistance from other owners who were a big help but it did require a lot of time and communicating to get the help, I got discouraged and let it go for some time am now trying again there have been a lot of changes and I am able to communicate using the software and my computer and rig having lots of problems guess I will have to figure it out as good as I can as I can think I will stay with it this time though. W9EK Doug Sylfest.


      Antigo, Wisconsin

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent product
      Needs new database for contact details.
      andy nehan


      England, nr Cambridge

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      I've been using HRD for at least 7 years out of my 11 year ham career (if you want to callvit that.
      At first I was intimidated by it but over time it became simple to use.
      I'm mostly a digital operator and I use DM780 for RTTY & PSK modes.
      It was easy to integrate WSJT-X & JTAlert logging into HRD,
      The award tracking makes my life easy, no paper or spreadsheet tracking needed anymore.


      Ormond Beach, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Software
      Great product I have used HRD for Six years and has improved each year. Saves me time on my logs and uploads contacts to LOTW, QRZ and EQSL logs. I like the PSK Reporter too.  Easy to switch between frequencies and modes as well.  Lots of other features.


      Maryville, TN

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    • HRD my thoughts
      Its a great product I have used for about 10 years. I always pay yearly for support as I dont expect to get it for free and its not expensive. My only gripe is the slow logbook which I believe is caused by the use of MS Access - which I understand will be relaced this year (2021), then it will be a 5 star product.
      andy nehan


      England, nr Cambridge

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    • Great for digital work
      As someone who enjoys conversational digital work, HRD really shines. I have tried others and they just do not work as well. I use HRD with my Yaesu FT-817 and FT-991 and it interfaces perfectly with each rig, no issues at all. It is very easy to use multiple modes like Olivia, PSK and others...especially when RSID is transmitted with the signal from the other station. HRD tells you what variation is being used and adjusts with a click. Logging is easy, too. And I have to say that HRD support is excellent. I had an issue with my key and their support team got right on it and had it solved within a day (there was a glitch). Overall, a great experience for me.


      Kalispell, MT

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    • The more I use HRDL the more I like it
      When Ham Radio De Luxe first came out nany years ago I dowloaded it and did not get on with it Over the years I have tried it again until about 3 years ago I realised what a useful program it is and I happily purchased the software I like the log book and its automatic QRZ look up as well as being able send log entries to QRZ and other in line logs. This is great with FT8 as it updates my HRD log and fills in the details from QRZ. You can even print a decent looking paper logbook from HRD I have to rigs controled from HRD IC 7300and IC 7300 both work fine . HRD record qso audio, save favorite frequencies, HRD also has RTTY and many other data modes, it will even send CW. I will not list all the features here but suggest you try it for yourself I am still finding more thing to try . Great software for the shack



      Was this review helpful?

    • A capable logging program
      HRD is the only program that i have tested that fullfill most of my needs. I have tested a whole bunch of software but no one as good as HRD! Why do I pay for a program when there are many out there for free? Hmmm yes they are free for a reason! Why do I pay for a HRD support licance? Because first I did not but they helped me anyway! And what of a support! My issue were dealt with within 30minutes and solved without any problems!
      If you look for a free software, there are many out there, but if you look for a software that cover almoast everything and works and most important of all, offer support Quick! then you should consider to make a test installation of HRD and explore it!


      Sweden, Gothenburg

      Was this review helpful?

    • Happy Enough to Renew My Support Again
      I have been a user of Ham Radio Deluxe for many years, and have always kept my maintenance subscription up to date. The software has made my Ham Radio operation more enjoyable. HRD has done a good job of adding features while still keeping the software basically stable. The ultimate testament is that I renewed my maintenance agreement for one more year!



      Was this review helpful?

    • It has pros and cons
      When HRD is working well, it is a great program with my IC7300. Sometimes an update makes things a bit more difficult to iron out. But paying for support has helped in my instance. HRD slowed down and it was decided that MariaDB/MySQL would solve the problem. And so it did. Now fast again.

      I still have not been able to get the QSL software to work with my Brother QL-700 label printer despite trying to follow the instructional video . There are a few small issues I have with HRD logbook, but most of them I can work around or I can live with.
      Paddy 1946


      Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

      Was this review helpful?

    • Wide range of useful functions.
      I've used almost all features, even though my FT-991 has many features itself. I am looking forward to trying Digital Master soon.


      Seattle, WA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very Supportive software
      Program is very useful with it’s full options to control the radio and logging.
      I strongly recommended this product.


      Juba South Sudan

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    • HRD Software
      I have used this software for years and it has been improved each year.  It has helped me logging contacts and transferring logs to LOTW, QRZ and EQSL. Great Product. 


      Maryville, TN

      Was this review helpful?

    • Does what it is supposed to do and very well
      I have used HRD for a few years now and it does exactly what it is designed to do. I would like it to work with Software Defined Radios such as SDR Play Duo but gather that this might be added in 2021. The program is not just a Radio operating system. It also has Satellite Tracking c/w Doppler, Data Decoding, a very good Logbook, an excellent Mapping feature and a full Rotator Display system. It really is very good value for money and does what it is designed to do. When I have asked a question, the help came back to me within a day, sometimes within hours.
      It works with most of the popular radios including Flex Radio.
      I can certainly recommend it.


      Bournemouth, England

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best amateur radio software
      Probably the best radio control, logging program for amateur radio on the market. Great support, great price. This platform has it all


      Strathroy Ontario

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Deluxe
      Great utility product for Amateur Radio operation in many modes and logging. Have used it for digital modes like PSK-31 for years. Thanks for such a great product and steadfast support. 


      Xenia, Ohio and The Villages Florida

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best purchase
      Best purchase



      Was this review helpful?

    • Logging, Rig Control, Digital Modes Made Easy
      Logging is quick and easy.  Uploads all easy.
      Rig Control works great.  Use mouse to move through the bands.  Click on DX spot, go to freq.
      Digital Modes work with user supplied sound card interface.
      Screen displays configurable to your preferences.
      Simple Ham Operator Fred



      Was this review helpful?

    • Very good
      Excellent product which I have been using for several years
      Like the various screens and help aids
      Can see entire radio on my Monitor 
      Highly recommend 


      Perth Ontario

      Was this review helpful?

    • There's Gold at the End of the Rainbow
      With patient HRD support staff and some perseverance, I've overcome the learning curve and look forward each day to using my HRD "swiss army knife" for station facilitation. As if Microsoft engineers turned their attention to amateur radio to develop HRD, I am forever bragging about its utility and convenience - from a Ham's perspective. Because of the software's evolution, several subtle menu selections, best user strategy or prerequisite steps are not yet documented, and so the all-important USER MANUAL would benefit from an editorial review - by a non-developer - to fill-in some of the missing explanations, along with a PRINTED Start-Up Guide to help new users overcome the learning curve.


      USA - Virginia

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    • Purchase this everyyear
      Have not used it this year yet.
      Has been excellent in previous years . Faults repaitred promptly


      LIMAVADY Northern Ireland

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      I have used HRD software for more than a dozen years, i was a beta tester for Simon. I moved 2 1/2 years ago. I packed up my ham radio gear into storage for a year prior. Christmas week (2020), I reloaded the updated version of the software. hooked it up and most of it worked, however the New Yaesu rotor and interface did not want to be friends with the software/computer. The log book was having issues, both of which I could not solve. I contacted HRD service. Shortly Tim Contacted me, I opened my "TeamViewer" and gave him permission to work on the computer. In a reasonable period of time Tim had every one behaving them selves. Tim also answered questions about the WSJT-X software and a choice of interfaces. I am changing from the isolation transformer, direct hook up, that i built and used in the past. He also told me when I install the interface if I have any issues with it to call, and they will help.
      I am quite happy with the service, Thank you



      Was this review helpful?

    • Perfect Fit
      HRD exceeded all expectations I had for radio control software. The ease of use coupled with the support of HRD personnel makes this a perfect fit for any ham locking for computer control.


      Rolla MO

      Was this review helpful?

    • Worth it
      Great product and support personnel are top notch (Especially Tim) My only wish is that they notify customers when it is about to expire.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Shack need's
      It has most of the software an Amateur need's. The Logbook is good for casual use but not fast enough for contest, also needs improvement that now with QO-100, it was not possible for me to insert the GHZ frequency it doesn't hold it.
      I will continue using it.


      Katerini Greece

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    • HRD Renewal
      Been a user for the last 8 years. I am very satisfied with the product and want to support the future development. Would like to see more improvement in the DM780 module in the future.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best software available
      HRD has become a classic, a model of how ham software should work, with one caveat, i.e. it is so complex and dynamic that some parts crash from time to time. The parts are the DM780 module and, to a lesser extent, the HRD Rotator. (DM780 crashes can be minimized by having only the Super Sweeper and one other tab open.)

      The logbook seamlessly interacts with other member-programs. It is fast and accurate. One feature that could be enhanced is that the logged QSO could articulate with QRZ or Ham Call to complete the contact's address section. However, the hand-shaking with QRZ, LoTW, eQSL, and other logging services is unparalleled.

      The macro support in DM780 is robust and an alert system offers a convenient way to fetch needed prefixes. The decoding of weak or adjacent signals is especially exquisite, and the extensive customization through the options section is useful.

      That the programs work together so efficiently and effectively is a tribute to the programming skill of the developers. Every update adds features that are as surprising as they are useful. (There could be less delay including new rigs, however. )

      When compared to other software, usually free, it offers evidence that you get what you pay for.

      HRD can be used straight out of the box, but to get the best from it involves a steep learning curve. Fortunately, the documentation is always available for study and problem-solving. Support is unparalleled. I've had responses to problems the same day I report them, and this includes Sundays. Technical support has always "owned" my problems and never belittled me for ignorance.

      Purchase of the software should be considered as an investment just as wise as quality equipment. The logbook alone is worth the price.



      Tallahassee, Florida

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    • Well I have been using Ham Radio Deluxe for years now, Love this software. I would buy again.
      Well I have been using Ham Radio Deluxe for years now, Love this software. I would buy again. I started using HRD back when it used to be free. Then started with the paid versions later on. Still a great product. Use this almost daily, now in conjunction with other programs like WSJT-X for an example. They work together well.


      Rough and Ready, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Radio experimenter Software
      A great software for controlling your radio.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great software
      The HRD software is what I expected from amateur radio software. Thanks for the great software !



      Was this review helpful?

    • all is ok and fine
      all is ok and fine,



      Was this review helpful?

    • I not 100% happy
      I know icom 7000 is old trx, but with hrd 5 i dont had that important bug. Now with hrd6 i  cant change the FILTERS via HRD. 

      I hope this bug resolve soon, because im waiting many months ago for solution and for the moment im waiting..... HRD for me is the best software ,  but in the future i will give 5 stars if my big problem have solution. 


      Canary isl.

      Was this review helpful?

    • Comprehensive Package
      Great software, easily controls my radios ( IC7610 and K3), the logger is easy and works well and DM780 is excellent, shame you cant get the WSJT modes integrated but I understand why.
      Drivers for new rigs are available quickly.
      For the price it’s a steal


      Helston, Cornwall, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • Would not be without this application
      I appreciate the different aspects to this software which should appeal to many radio amateurs.

      I like to control my rig through this application and enjoy the flexibility and options which are available when using the logbook.

      I have only had this software for about 18 months and still discovering more of the features this product provides.


      Cheltenham, England

      Was this review helpful?

    • Just a logging software.... think again!
      From a casual operator like my self to an DX Chaser or Contester this software fits the bill. Logging, syncing with QRZ and various online logbooks, DX Cluster, Rig Control, Rotor Control, Digital Modes, CW send & decoding, on and on and on. After configuring your station to work with the software clicking on a contact in the DX Cluster, Rig Control automatically takes you to the band & frequency, pull up the contact log and it finds the coordinates and logging info from QRZ, hit the rotor control and it points your beam into the correct heading automatically, enter any other info about the QSO then hit the log. Automatically syncs to online logbooks (LOTW/eQSL, etc.). Like shooting fish in the barrel :)
      So many other features I have not tried yet and will in the future.


      Cedar Springs, MI

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Package out there!
      HRD is straight up the best package out there! Radio control, logging, Digital, Rotor control, ETC. I started off with HRD when Simon was developing the program. It was in development so it wasn't perfect but the concept and design were great. I searched around but found nothing like HRD. Since Mike(WA9PIE) and the team have taken over development of HRD it just keeps getting better. Updates for better performance and added support for new radios keep HRD growing . Excellent support (Shout out to Tim!) . Give HRD a try and you will like it.


      Staten Island NY

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    • The heart in my hobby
      HRD is vital for me keeping track of DXCC and sending my log to Clublog,Lotw,HRDlog,eQSL. With latest release it also support labelprinting in a better way , but more datafields is on my wishlist. Migrating away from access db is a prosess I'm looking forward to happend. In that prosess I wish QSO forwarding from one HRD to another could be done easier. I like HRD and I think it's only getting better.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Software
      I have used HRD since it was "shareware" and the group who purchased the software rights have done an excellent job fixing "bugs" in the original software and constantly upgrading and adding functions. I rarely need to actually touch any of my radios while operating. I use HRD with an Elecraft K3, an Icom Ic-7610, and an Icom IC-9700. There are still a few aspects where improvements could be made - like in the satellite tracking and doppler adjustments and the SSTV integration - but they are, understandably, prioritizing the work based upon requested over-all software functions. Only once have I needed to use their technical service assistance. They were able to find and fix the problem by accessing my computer remotely - painless!


      Sandy, Utah

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD delivers
      Excellent offering, the best support anywhere. Can’t go wrong with HRD. 


      Charleston, SC

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    • Online user manual
      Please try to update the " Online user manual" so it will reflect the actual changes to the last software.
      More then that: Please do it ahead of the actual software realize.
      I have a problem running the "Ground Control " software module according to the info in the "Satellite Tracking" section.
      I am still waiting to the promised help.


      Tel Aviv

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    • Pricing hiccup
      I purchased the 1 year software maintenance and support and tried to use a seasonal discount, which didn't work. So I went ahead and purchased it anyway. A short time later a special showed up. I contacted HRD and was very pleased to get a refund of my excess payment. Thanks HRD.



      Was this review helpful?

    • A shack accessory I use Daily
      I started using HRD in early 2008. I have lived through lack of support, lack of updates etc, then the company was sold. A new day dawned.  Since the sale it has become a first class piece of software for the Ham community. It is very seldom a week goes by that I do not discover a new feature or way of making my Ham life easier. Just a Great Product. 
      Baked Ham


      Atlanta, Georgia

      Was this review helpful?

    • nice
      I bought this program a year ago and had fun with it before my radio blew. I bought another radio of the same model and renewed the program but for some reason it will not connect to this radio. Don't know if there is a problem with the jack or something else. Hopefully I will time to work on this when I have more time.


      Butler, TN

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    • 9 years
      I've been using the Log Book portion of HRD for 9 years with my IC-7600. I've built up a decent log over the years and no database crashes so far.

      I also use the IP Server to allow radio setting to manipulate my amplifier using my own customer software.


      Lancaster, CA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very Good Experience
      Have had HRD for a number of years now and all throughout the experience has been very good. There has been a few minor glitches here or there but the Technical Support, I must say, is excellent. Turnaround time for inquiries is quite fast and always issues have been properly and professionally resolved. I would recommend HRD to anyone looking for this type of program.
      Eric KP4KD/EA5JAH


      Valencia, Spain

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Package
      I've been a user since the free days, and with all of the improvements, it's well worth the price of admission. I've always received timely help when needed, which has been rare.


      Hampton, VA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product
      I have been a user since 2014 and have seen  the steady improvements in a already great product. Recently they are working on a QSL labeling issue with me and others and the support has bred stellar !


      Gray Court, SC

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    • Great software
      I have been using HRD for years. It is my go to logging software. Wouldn't want to use anything else...
      Radio Guy


      Niceville, FL

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    • HRD continues to improve functionality and quality
      The improvements over the past few years are really noticeable. Any issues I have had they have been quickly resolved . I use it as my primary radio CAT interface to two rigs and all my logging plus all it’s supported digital modes. I have it interfaced to other programs as well.



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    • Good overall companion HF radio control and log software
      Can be somewhat complex when trying to customize it for personal preferences. DM780 is versatile but very slow to load. I found it difficult to get it working on CW and digital modes, but once I figured it out, it has been good for CW sending, PSK and the many other supported digital modes. The SSTV seems to work well but I only use it for receiving pictures. Support is OK, generally a quick response but solutions are not always provided. YouTube support videos are handy. Documentation seems to lag, making it tough to find out how to do some things or fix goofs such as miss-formatting the log display or adding windows.


      North Texas

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    • Well worth the money.
      The product is well design and easy to use. The service is prompt and the support staff take care to ensure that they understand the problem, you understand the solution and/or the resolution and are satisfied.


      Salkum, Washington

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    • #1 for CW !!
      This program makes sending and receiving easy. While no program can decode 100% (G IN = G Out)
      it comes close to it. Pre programed messages have no character limit!!


      San Benito, TX

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    • HRD support
      I've owned HRD for about 5 years, paying for support and upgrades every year. During this time I've seen the program improved steadily with upgrades and the quality and speed of support has improved tremendously. Ham Radio is a hobby; HRD is operated as a quality business. Two of my friends also own HRD and pay for the support and upgrade plan. They are satisfied as well. HRD has a HUGE number of features and supporting all of them must be a nightmare.


      northern MInnesota USA

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    • Works well...
      So far the newest release of HRD has been working quiet well. No issues and integrates well with my TS-570 and TS-590.

      Only items I would change is the Mapping portion. It appears like it has not been updated for a long time and should either be fixed to take city/location from the logbook and plot, or frankly just removed if it does not work.

      Otherwise HRD has always been a good application. Very open source and configurable which also helps given all the things people do with their radios.
      Lloyd H



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    • I am very happy with HRD
      I've been using HRD exclusively since becoming more active again in ham radio about five years ago. I have requested and received excellent support from Tim and Ferry over that timeframe. Both are courteous, generous with their time (they truly want you to be happy with the result), and extremely knowledgeable. I'm a Mac guy at heart. But HRD has worked so well for me that I have no regrets using it.


      Spokane, WA

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    • Ham Radio Deluxe Software Maintenance & Support Renewal
      When I first purchased the Ham Radio Deluxe Software, I was not sure if it would answer my needs. Now having used it for several years, I can say I am very happy with my initial purchase. As HRD went through a self-evaluation and rebuild, I decided to also for the next year after my purchase the Ham Radio Deluxe Software Maintenance & Support Renewal service. I have now done so EVERY YEAR since my purchase. With all of the GREAT fixes and upgrades they have brought to the solution, I am very please to continue to invest in their quest to make the software better year after year. And they have made it much better, and much more stable . People should be paid for work completed and for that reason, I will continue to invest the small sum every year to help HRD continue to make their product the it can be. Although next year I may simply take their multi-year option.

      I therefore recommend to all of the HAM community that make use of the HRD solution to also continue to invest their small sum every year, so that we can ALL benefits from the awesome work these folks are doing. We are always stronger when we come together. Thank you to HRD for their on-going quest to make this HRD software, the best out there.

      I am sincere when I say that the small amount I pay year after year for Ham Radio Deluxe Software Maintenance & Support Renewal is well worth it. I get a better product , new features that I enjoy, and they have brought so many fixes it fills pages worth. That alone is worth a small fee every year.

      A a HAM I am frugal, but for me, I have gotten more than my money's worth by investing yearly in the Ham Radio Deluxe Software Maintenance & Support Renewal.



      Quebec Canada

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    • Outstanding product and product support!
      Outstanding product and product support! It’s unfortunate how many people do not read directions today, however, if you read the directions and use this program as written it is absolutely outstanding! It’s the best amateur radio program I’ve ever used. I’ve been licensed since 1966.


      San Antonio, Texas

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    • Excellent Product
      A most amazing product. It does so much and is very stable. 


      Pickerington, OH

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    • Good Product
      Good Product


      walker, Minnesota

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    • Superb Ham Software
      I have had Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) for about 18 months. It has several modules that make it very comprehensive. I first got the Rig Control module working with my Yaesu FT-991A Transceiver. It took a little work digging through manuals, but I got it working. I am still finding new aspects to Rig Control to use. I also have got it working noe with my ICOM IC-7610. Recently, I have put in time on the logging module. I have it working with LOTW, QRZ.com, eQSL, and HRDlog. I am accessing QRZ.com and two other databases for call sign lookups. I also have DX cluster working. I expect to get more adapt at using the logging module. I just started studying DM-780 which supports a lot of data modes. It does not do wsjt-x, but wsjt-x can interface with the logging module. Quite honestly, DM-780 not covering wsjt-x is a disappointment, but HRD will log contacts. The other two modules are rotor control and satellite tracking. I don’t expect to have a yogi beam antenna with rotor so I have not looked at this module. I have not investigated satellite amateur radio so that module has received no attention from me. Maybe I will look at satellite amateur radio down the road and implement that module then. The integration of modules appears to be good. If a module needs the same data as another that already has it, it will go to the module with it to get it. Indeed, integration is a strong point. Rig control integrates with a fairly large number of transceivers. The logging module is integrated with look up databases, do clusters, and internet based QSL systems. I did read trouble tickets about label printing for QSL cards. I elected to export an Excel file which I massaged as a source file to print 2” x 4” labels with both the QSL information and addresses. I send my QSL cards with SSAE to increase the likelihood of a return. I use various Excel formulas to massage data and mail merge to generate the labels and outgoing envelopes. Consequently, any weaknesses that HRD might have when printing address labels is a non-issue for me. I never pick up a pen to create QSL cards because I use the flexibility of an Excel exported file from the logging module.
      In summary, HRD has a lot of power that I am growing into steadily. It does a lot of things and is integrated within its modules and with the wider ham world of computer and internet support systems for amateur radio. For this reason, I signed up for the yearly maintenance service. I look forward to getting new features introduced during the year.
      Joe T. Peg


      San Antonio, TX

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    • Great product for years
      I have used the software package for years and it does more than I expected. Have had only minor issues with configuration related to hardware and not the software. It has performed for me very well.



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    • HRD
      Customer support was great, had very fast response to my issue!



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    • very good control software
      In my opinion the best control software available.


      The Netherlands

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    • HRD is worth the money
      It just works. And when it comes down to it, little else matters. Fiddling with free programs or the one that came in the box with the radio then to be disappointing time wasters. HRD will handle the settings, the logging and digital sound card comms to a long list of modes. It's my go-to.


      Limerick, Maine

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    • HRD has two things ......
      I used FlDigi for almost 10 years.
      HRD was just a backup.
      My interest turned to "working the birds"
      and SSTV. FlDigi did not support either so
      I switched to HRD.
      It works good for all I want it to do.


      Central Oregon CN94

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    • AC9DZ
      The Best radio control and log book I have used. Started with DXbase in the early 90"s. Have used HRD starting 2013 with FT-857D, FT1000MP-MARK-V and now IC-7300. Automatic logbook backup is very nice. I have not had to call support. But I will continue to support You and your Team. Thank You



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    • Must have Ham Radio program.
      When I turn on my Ham rig I always turn on my computer and start Ham Radio Deluxe. The log book part is worth the price alone. Being able to look up the call of other Hams is wonderful and works super fast. The satellite program work great with my Kenwood 2000. I have used the program to communicate with many satellites and even  talked to the space station. The digital programs psk and others work seamlessly. The Morse code programs are top notch. I have only had to use Ham Radio Deluxe support a couple of time over the many years I have had the program. I must say the customer support was the best I have ever experienced.

      I love this program and highly recommend it to all Hams. Ham Radio is not complete without Ham Radio Deluxe. 

      Don Gephart
      Don Gephart


      Blanchester, Ohio

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    • HRD Is A Good Product
      HRD S/W is value for your money. I wouldn't normally pay a subscription fee for S/W, eg., M/S Office Suite, but for HRD S/W I will because I believe in it and I have it "deployed" over 3 different radio manufacturers and even though the initial set up was a bit problematic over a ICOM, YAESU, and ELECRAFT, THE HRD help line/support folks walked me through the process. Now I can pick any of the 3 radios I want to use for RTTY and PSK31.


      Dallas, TX

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      I have used HRD since 2014. In that time, I have not found a better product or support. I would strongly recommend it to any hams!


      Salkum, Washington

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    • A great convenient bundle
      I have been an HRD user for probably the last 10 or so years, and I have seen nothing but a slope of continued improvement in all aspects of the software. I like having nearly all the features I need in one convenient package that automatically shares info between the elements (log file automatically reads PC time and CAT control of the radio, for example, while checking the logbook for previous contacts if any and doing a lookup of the other station if HRD has an internet connection - very handy!).


      Limerick, Maine

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    • Love Ham Radio Deluxe
      As a new Ham Radio Operator. Ham radio Deluxe help me out greatly. It helps a new ham understand a lot of things in the hobbie.I thank you for providing such a great program.
      Mike WA1PW


      New Milford Connecticut

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    • Good Value
      I do not use all the features of this program but what I do use work great, are intuitive to use and provides the results I am looking for. In my mind a good value for what I need.



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    • iz7qfn
      Per me mio modesto parere e il miglio programma che esiste al mondo .

      complimenti continuate cosi'

      73 de iz7qfn op salvatore


      sud italy

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    • Thoughts on HRD
      Does a lot. The learning curve is a bit higher than normal, but worth the effort.



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    • Best purchase ever.
      I found the software easy to use and connecting to me equipment quickly. It is the best software out there for any radio operator.


      Broken Hill, N.S.W, Australia.

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    • A choice piece of Ham Radio software indeed
      I have used HRD for many years. Yes, I started back when it was free - then and now I couldn't understand how someone could possibly put out a product such as this, support it, improve it and have an actual life. Now that HRD is a for-profit business I am still wondering how they do it all. So many facets to this software! Support is great. It is better than many software applications I supported over my years as an IT Systems Engineer and definitely a small fraction of the cost. Hams generally can see value when it is presented to them. HRD is a high value item to every shack. Yes, there are competitors that would be the topic of comparison to HRD. Subjective though at best. I believe that HRD is the only "everything in a box" set of applications. $50.00 a year for continuing support. That equates to about 13.5 cents per day, 96 cents a week or $4.17 per month. A bargain indeed... a choice piece of software indeed. Look at the offering here on the HRD site. You can test drive the application too. Four bucks a month... the initial cost is nothing in comparison with what you receive... give it a whirl!


      Pella, Iowa USA

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    • good
      Seems to work quite well


      Cowley, Alberta

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    • Electronic
      Best Purchase Ever


      Panama Republic off Panama

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