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  • Buy Ham Radio Deluxe Software

[New Customers] Buy Ham Radio Deluxe Software® w/12 months New Features & Support

Ham Radio Deluxe Software with 12 months of New Features and Support.

This is a perpetual software license. The software is not sold as a subscription. There are no memberships or required annual support contracts or payments.

This is a digital delivery product. Your Ham Radio Deluxe software activation key will be included in the receipt you receive from us immediately following your purchase.

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  • Ham Radio Deluxe Software with 12 months of New Features and Support.

    This is a perpetual software license. The software is not sold as a subscription. There are no memberships or required annual support contracts or payments.

    This is a digital delivery product. Your Ham Radio Deluxe software activation key will be included in the receipt you receive from us immediately following your purchase. Please return to the Download page to download your software. Download the software, install it, and activate it with the activation key provided in the receipt.

    You are not buying a specific version of Ham Radio Deluxe. Your software activation key will activate any current or future version of Ham Radio Deluxe. New Features are enabled based on the New Features & Support date.

    The included New Features and Support entitles you to direct access to the HRD technical support staff via https://support.hamradiodeluxe.com and to updates that include bug fixes and new features published during this initial 12 month New Features and Support period.

    In most cases, 12 months is sufficient in order to ensure that the software is installed and is working with no major problems. Beyond the initial 12 months, we sell optional renewals for New Features and Support for customers who wish to continue receiving the benefits of New Features and Support in additional 12 month increments.

    NOTE: Since most customers will download the software, we do not include installation media with this purchase. To keep the price down, we sell CDs and USB flash drives separately as an option for those who prefer to receive media. There is no difference between this software and what is available for download on our website. [See options below]

    NOTE: If you have purchased the software in the past, it is not necessary to purchase it again. Please consider purchasing the New Features & Support renewal instead.

    Additional Product Description
    - This perpetual software license is not transferable. Please read the End User License Agreement (EULA) in-full at the time of installation.
    - The full features list for Ham Radio Deluxe can be found on the "Features" page of our main website.
    - Ham Radio Deluxe is a Windows program that runs on any version of Windows supported by Microsoft.
    - The PC system requirements for Ham Radio Deluxe are based on Microsoft's minimum requirements for Windows plus 2GB of memory and 250MB of disk space for the program. Space for logs is dependent upon how many QSOs are entered into the log.
    - As with other commercial software, we do not represent that Ham Radio Deluxe is "bug free."
    - The software has been tested with the radios that can be found on our "Supported Radios" page on our main website under "Features."
    - Ham Radio Deluxe works with some 3rd party software applications. But HRD Software does not warrant nor support interoperability with 3rd party software products.
    - We are a software company. As such, we do not fix problems related to ham radio hardware. All ham radio hardware requires software drivers that are supplied by the hardware manufacturer and installed by the user.
    - We assist customers with the installation, configuration, and use of Ham Radio Deluxe software. We are not positioned to fix problems with the Windows operating system nor peripherals and hardware.
    • Not a station without it
      Awesome software. I don't understand why one would not have it in their shack.



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    • Best Software for my HF Rig
      Love the software. Well written for my HF rig. It makes every thing easy to control while on the air.
      Corvette Kid


      Wheatfield IN.

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    • Nic App
      Very easy to use.


      Rimouski Qc Canada

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    • Logging and Satellites FTW
      I mainly purchased for the sat tracking and doppler offset shifting features. And that works really great! Combined with the radio control, I am able to accurately track satellites across the sky and maximize my signal strength. I wasn't really sure that I would use many other features, but that Logbook!!! Wow! It takes all of the work out of logging QSOs and even links up with JTDX to show me which DXCCs, Countries, States, and even Counties I need. I don't use DM780 much yet, (Why is there no support for APRS/ASFK1200?), mainly because I do not do any CW yet. Overall, I am excited to use it and I use it every day!


      46°34'56.3"N 122°44'22.7"W

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    • Great product
      I own a Yaesu FT-991A. A real shack-in-a-box. Ham Radio Deluxe is similar. A one-in-all solution for (mostly) everything I need. Great logbook and great options to connect, control and automate things. 


      Würzburg, Germany

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    • HRD


      Germany, NRW

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    • ottimo
      programma che si adatta alle mie esigenze al 100/100



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    • Easy to use, quality software to enhance my Ham Radio experience
      Ham Radio Deluxe is a great site of software to enhance my radio experience. It has helped me to manage my radio and my logbook all in one interface. The supported radios are comprehensive and are there for when I upgrade my rig. The support for amateur satellite use has prompted me to explore that aspect of the hobby. looking forward to learning more about the suite and to really using the power of this great tool.
      John KC3UPA


      Oviedo, FL

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    • Great Software
      This product runs my IC729 perfectly.



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    • Good performance
      A great and comprehensive array of software for ham radio. Both radios work great with the Logbook and Rig Control. I use in on Windows 10, and waiting for the Mac version...


      Mirboo North, Victoria, Australia

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    • Buen software
      Después de más de 12 años inactivo, he optado por recuperar esta bonita afición y veo interesante la actualización del software HAM RADIO DE LUXE a la versión con las mejoras actualizadas.

      After more than 12 years of inactivity, I have decided to recover this nice hobby and I find it interesting to update the HAM RADIO DE LUXE software to the version with the updated improvements.



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    • Excellent program for everyday use
      I have purchased this program a year ago, flawless setup and ease of use thanks to HRD support page, I really like the automatic link to attached radio which makes tuning, mode setting etc very simple.
      Overall a useful addition to the radio hobby.
      Black Spiral


      Northern Ireland

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    • Only using logbook so far
      Had a good support session to help logbook work better with ARRL WAS award tracking. It broke soon after, haven't had time to raise a new ticket yet. Also, I can't figure out how to unfreeze some of the award configurations, so I copied them to make the edits that help me more. I do like ease of uploading to LOTW and eqsl, and downloads from the same. Overall, I'm looking forward to next logbook version.


      Neptune Beach, FL

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    • VALUE
      I found this product very user friendly. The majority of the uses were very straight forward. The rest is a learning curve. The only problem I have found so far is connecting the radio to the software but I think that I may have a problem with my pc. The pc does need looking at but not by me.



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    • software very good
      software is very good


      san miniato .Italy

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    • My best logging software
      After trying several other logging softwares it was obvious that Ham Radio Deluxe was my answer.
      Jacob Mogel


      Colorado Springs

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    • Does everything
      Was looking for a logging software, and found this, which does so much more. Has something for everyone. Just need more tutorials on learning about all it is capable to do, and how to do it.


      WPB FL

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    • Initial Impressions
      Well let me say that I’ve been a user of another logging program for about 10 years or so.  I have seen many polls asking what software hams used.   Ham Radio Deluxe and. DXLabs were often at the top of the list.   I considered HRD briefly back when I was  seriously looking for logging software but went with another product.  

      After seeing HRD showing up in some recent polls I decided to give it a try since a free trial was available.   Installation was straight forward.    Getting it to work with my Elecraft K3 and Icom 7100 was painless as well.     The part I was most concerned about was the WSJT—X interfacing. Thanks to the detailed help file on getting WSJT-X and HRD to communicate that went smoothly as well.

      With about 47,000 QSOs in my log, I was getting concerned about how long it would be before I was going to have performance issues with the access database that HRD natively uses.     Again, upgrading access to a Maria database was very well documented in a help file that was very detailed and had a lot of screen shots.      Excellent work.    I was a little nervous about the upgrade but my cook cerns were unfounded .

      I have found that with a little effort I can get all the same information on less screen real estate than I was using with the previous logging software.  

      Is the software perfect? No, but It’s close.   An issue I’m working with HRD support on is how to handle being the manager of club logs .   I expect there will be a resolution soon.

      I’m very happy with the decision to try HRD.   It’s a good product with great support 


      White Hall, Ar

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    • Most Comprehensive Ham Radio Software Out There!
      I have been using HRD (Free Version) since 2012, but recently purchased it because I wanted the latest HRD features including WSJT-X FT8 with Grid Tracker automatic logging functionality with HRD.   The newest version works great for a very reasonable price!  I haven’t needed to use the included support yet, but nice to have it available.  I highly recommend Ham Radio Deluxe!


      Woodbury, MN

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    • Ham Radio Deluxe provides a full featured user experience
      I tried the program upon purchasing my Xeigu G90. I wanted a program that would give me the CAT control to use the radio without having to use the radio's interface as I found it too hard navigate and the controls were too small for my big fingers. HRD ticked every box I wanted filled. I have no issues with the program so far and I am about to start using the G90 on FT8 and anticipate a stellar experience there as well.


      Tucson, Arizona

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    • Satisfait
      Très satisfait du logiciel. Très complet, tellement que je n'ai pas encore testé toutes les fonctionnalités.
      F4HTP Valentin



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    • HRS Remote Setup Support
      Mike called and remoted in to my PC to set up my cables and software. Excellent support and above and beyond any other software company I have ever worked with.
      Army EOD


      Eva, Alabama

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    • Great progrm
      This is a great program. I did the trial period then after that was over I downloaded log4om. After 2 month I ended up purchasing HRD. I’m excited to see what changes are coming out. I only use the logbook and cat radio functions but looking to broaden my knowledge of it. 



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    • Excellent Amateur Radio Control Software
      I have several ICOM radios. HAM Radio Deluxe allows me to control them all with a single easy to use interface. Plus online technical support is excellent.


      WV, USA

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    • Ft991
      Ein gutes Progamm um den yaesu 991 fern zu steuern. Die Zusatzprogramme sind nach der persönlichen. Einstellung echt Top. Ich kann das Programm nur jeden empfehlen.


      Oldenburg Germany

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      The program is excellent, many possibilities, rig control, log book is awesome. I highly recommend this to any of my fellow hams
      still finding new feature and am very impressed. Thank you Ham radio Deluxe!



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    • very, very well
      great product, but I'm looking forward to 7.0
      Andrea Dolmen


      Bisceglie BT, Italia

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    • Foarte multumit
      Ma bucur mult de aceasta achizitie, satisface pe deplin toate necesitatile in domeniul ham radio! Felicitari!


      Bistrita, Romania

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    • My HRD experience
      At first i wasnt going to register for the HRD , but now i have i am glad i did , I use it mainly for logging and some digital work , I use a Hermes lite 2 SDR as my main shack radio , HRD is great as an interface for DM70
      Martin VK5MAR


      Adelaide South Australia

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    • Bon achat
      très bon produit



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    • Very good radio software
      I've been using HRD for nearly 14 years and so far I haven't found an equivalent. I'm not thinking of giving it up for something else. It's so complete that I'll never be able to part with it. Very easy to use and configure, I recommend it to many of my friends.


      Martinique Island

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    • Great Choice
      Well let me start by saying I’m a green brand new ham, I spent lots of time reviewing software and settled on paid software, nothing wrong with free, but if you read reviews lots of free software is behind in needed updates and paid stuff is not as a rule. You get what you pay for. It was a labor of love setting it up as I am really new and needed tech support to walk me through. That being said, HRD has great support you make a half hour appointment usually within 24 hours and the tech calls you up, and boy did he get me setup and running. This software has all the bells and whistles and more, it hit the spot for a new guy and I am not using half of what it can do. If you are new, old or growing and advancing in HAM this software is for you. They are always adding new stuff and you get free updates and addons for the year and for half the price of the software you can by another year of updates and addons anytime you feel there is something new you want or just use it as it is after your year. This is for me and when I need new addons I just buy year. Great going HRD you guys rock.


      Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada

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    • Ham Radiodeluxe
                       This is absolutely great software.
      Nice and Handsome. Practical. Automatic logging. Works Fantastic with tranciever and eqsl!
      Verry happy and worth the money!!!


      Witteveen, Netherlands

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    • Very good acquisition
      Entièrement satisfait d'avoir fait l'acquisition de ce logiciel. Logiciel complet et performant.
      Un plaisir de l'utiliser.




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    • log program
      Jeg har ikke kørt med programmet så længe men jeg kan se at den kan meget mere end jeg kan finde ud af så jeg er imponeret og glad for programmet jeg kunne dog godt ønske mig programmet på mit sprog men det er også okay med engelsk



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    • Love it!
      Love it!


      La Mesa, CA

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    • HRD Review
      There is a pretty steep learning curve, but if you read the instructions you will be makin g your first QSO in a short period of time.


      Longmont, CO

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    • Worth the money.
      Overall like the control of my rig (Yaesu 991A). The log book is much better than what I was using. DM 780 makes digital very easy. The only issue I have not remedied yet is that the "Tune UP" under tools has no transmit any power for my tuner in ssb mode. The radio goes into transmit mode, but there is no audio and no power out. There is a slider for power, but it is grayed out. I am happy with my purchase of HRD and would recommend it for others.
      Idle Servant


      Hale, MO

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    • HRD
      Programma che gia' conoscevo avendo usato per anni la versione free,ma che non l'avevo mai acquistato. Programma ottimo ,include tutti i modi, speriamo in futuro di avere anche l'ft8/4 e quant'altro.



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    • Perfect for the active operator.
      A powerful tool that makes working with multiple emissions easier. From calls to digital communications, satellite communications, EME and much more. Makes it easier to log in and send communication confirmations.


      Poland, Gdynia

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    • Excellent product
      HRD is worth every penny. If you're hesitant to make the purchase, I recommend this software, highly.

      No other software interfacing is needed. HRD does it ALL. Five Stars. *****


      Asheville, NC

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    • HRD New user
      I had considered using rig control for a while, but liked twiddling the knobs on my FT-DX3000 myself.  When I was asked to take part in a RTTY contest, I realised that I needed to refamiliarise myself with how that worked, since my last RTTY QSO was over 25 years ago.  So when I saw the HRD offer, I jumped at it.  Rig Control, DM780 for RTTY, and a logbook which updated my QRZ logbook.  I have only scratched the surface of the software so far, but it is relatively easy to set up, and works like a dream.  A very useful early Christmas present.   
      John L


      Wales, UK

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    • New Customer
      So far I’m impressed with all the features available in the software.  I am really impressed with your customer support. Kevin has been great helping me via TeamViewer. Keep up the good work.


      Mechanicsburg, PA

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    • Didn't Know What I Was Missing!
      I wish I had purchased this software back when I started amateur radio but could not afford it at that time. I finally watched a video about it and decided to go ahead and bite the bullet. I am so glad I did. It work just as they say. Yes, it has some minor bugs but nothing to cause it to crash or not function. My only issue so far is the colors do not work on my HRD Alert. I contacted support and they did reply and said "It is known that some folks have this issue and we are investigating it". They did not offer me a solution. One video I watched with Mike Carper , he admitted there was a problem, but it has not been fixed yet. Anyway, this is my only gripe. Overall, this software is worth the money overall. Hopefully, they will correct this issue in the next release.


      Wetumpka, Alabama

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    • HRD with Xiegu X6100
      HRD is working together with my new transceiver Xiegu X6100.


      JN48WV Germany

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    • For the newbie
      As a newbie to amateur radio it’s a bit overwhelming but it hasn’t scared me away just made me want to dig into things further and learn. There is so much. It pairs nicely with the Icom 7300.  
      VK3 CBX



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    • new on HRD
      it is still early to switch from Logger32 to HRD; I'm studying it to know all the features! Nice software, thanks Mike and crew!
      Giu VDQ



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    • Easy to use
      I really like the support they answer any question promptly. Most Ham Radio programs don't have any support out there and HRD does. I like how you can customize the whole program the way you want it. The Rig control with my radio is superior then most any other programs out there. I also like how it interfaces with programs like WSJT-X


      Robbinsdale, MN

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    • So far so good
      Lots of features that currently don't apply to my needs, the features I need/want are there and learning to use them. Hoping to use more features in the future, nice to know I have them if needed. Thanks


      Lake Village, IN

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    • good buy
      I sacrificed the money you requested and paid. I liked your product for controlling IC-7300 and IC-9700. I have a language barrier and I am currently studying the offered program options. HAM is my hobby


      Czech Republic

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      After buying the yaesu ftdx101d, this is the only software that recognized all the ports on the test version. so far i have tested multiple programs like log4om, loger32, n1mm, mixwin and all of them have problems detecting either CAT, winkey and especially rotator which are on bluetooth serial ports. 10 days after using HRD, I bought it, so every day I discover and enjoy the breadth of software created. Thank you HRD TEAM.



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    • Great Software
      I'm just getting use to the program. So far it works great.


      Charleston, WV

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    • Hrd
      Great software


      Raymore MO

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    • Worth Upgrading To Paid Version
      I have been using the old free version for a decade. I wanted to really pay for it because it is an awesome tool in any ham shack for such a small price. I would absolutely recommend this software to any WIndows ham radio user.



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    • New life to enjoy my radio hobby
      I read and heard many comments about HRD so I thought I owed it to myself to try it. With a recent upgrade to a used and mint IC-756 Pro3, I was looking to try more digital, CAT control, and have more control at my fingertips from the keyboard. HRD did not disappoint, especially with the support available from the techs. They were quick and pursued my complete satisfaction with the issue as it was resolved, and they never shied away from another question or a "dumb question". This enabled me to learn all I could and enjoy and make use of the amazing capabilities of HRD. It's like discovering my ham radio hobby all over again. Don't wait, seriously. You won't regret it.


      British Columbia, Canada

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    • Seamless Upgrade and Excellent Support from HRD Software
      Irecently decided to upgrade my HRD software to a higher version and I couldn't be happier with the service I received from the HRD team. The entire process was seamless and the support I received was exceptional.

      s and support.

      Henk, PA0HKX



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    • Best Ham Radio Software I used so far
      I have been using Ham Radio Deluxe for a month now and I am very happy with it. First I read the detailed HRD User Guide, then I watched several YouTube videos about HRD and how to combine it with WSJT-X and GridTracker for FT8 and FT4. The automatic logging works fine and saves me a lot of time. My Yaesu FTdx10 turns on automatically. I used to use free software that was not as good as HRD.

      Since I use two notebooks, I have tried to find a way to automatically synchronize the two HRD logbooks, but I have not been able to find a good solution. Who can help me? My logbook file is in a cloud and I use the import and export of the ADI file, but there should be a better way to do this.


      Bavaria, Germany

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    • Easy Digital Operating
      After trying a few other digital operating software programs I finally gave HRD/DM780 a try.... for me it was a no-brainer. This software was easy to set up with my ICOM 7610 and works beautifully. The log program sends everything to my QRZ.COM log automatically. I've started working several different digital modes now that I have this software.... switching modes is easy and quick. The rig control portion is also a nice feature.... bandwidth changes are superfast with HRD.


      Near Oklahoma City

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    • I was a user of the alder vercions and i did purchase a new Radio FTDX 10 and my friend got the same radio and yes the new Ham Radio Deluxe and i am recomending to my friends
      i realy do recomend it and i use it all most every day
      YV4AVI VK4NE


      Brisbane Australia

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    • Works excellent

      Product very good. Support team and help with getting on with team viewer provides the customer with a really neat experience and service. 


      El paso tx

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    • Best Ham Radio software suite
      Great quality all-in-one software solution for Hams. I especially love Digital Master and its various digital modes support. The Logbook software is also great along with additional features it offers such as antenna rotator control. Rig control is also top notch and I really like it. I also love the Satellite Tracking app - with included Doppler shift frequency correction and other functions. Just combine it with the (equally great) SDR-Radio.com software (that have native support for HRD) and you are ready to go for (almost) all things Ham. Highly recommend! Just be prepared that at the moment, it is a Windows-only application, so no Mac or Linux.


      JN89XL, Czech Republic

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    • value for money
      works really great..thank you


      schijndel the netherlands

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    • Best Software out there
      I bought HRD because I wanted something to compliment my Yaesu "Shack in a box" 897.
      There is loads of software out there but nothing that fully matches what I wanted which was everything on my screen and at my disposal and HRD ticked every box. I cannot switch my rig on without HRD as it feels naked without it :) I'm not a review type of guy but where credit is due it should be given and I am giving a 5* review for HRD as it deserves it.


      Wick, Scotland

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    • Life member and still impressed
      Unlike many HRD users, I've been using Ham Radio Deluxe since it first came out. I started out using WriteLog. I changed from that to HRD shortly after Simon introduced it. As things go, my computer system upgraded over the years and recently the free version of HRD would not load in Windows 11. I was left with a simple choice. Change to a different free logger or upgrade my system to the paid version of HRD.

      That was a no brainer for me. I'm now on the paid version of HRD and continuing to enjoy the benefits of this software.

      It's true, it takes a bit of time to set up HRD. That wasn't a problem for me having used the software for an extended period.

      For those of you considering a logging system, Think about other options you would like to have within your logger. IF you want radio control, logs, auto uploads into QRZ, LoTW and E-QSL, rotor control, QSL checking, QSO controls that include type ahead buffers and Macro controls, and so on, you really need to give this a look.

      There isn't a lot of change from the version I was using but the one thing that I found useful were the presets for my radio's.
      I had upgraded my rigs over the years. My free version did not have the presets for my new TS890s. The new version has those presets and many more.

      Are you into FT8 or some other digital operation ? They work seamlessly with HRD.

      Mind you, I'm not a digital operator. I'm all CW ! So, this software does everything I need and a great deal more that I'll probably never use. That doesn't matter because I know it's all there should I change old habit and start working other modes.

      Think about this ! " It's all in here "

      I have new radio's, a new amplifier and tuner, a new antenna and rotor and now I have the premo operating system to complete the package. Thank You HRD

      Keep on Keepen on

      Jerry N0JRN



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    • Good Product
      I’ve been using this product since it was free and since I’ve upgraded to the paid version, I’m equally happy with it.
      Craig HARNDEN KX4U


      Yankeetown, Florida USA

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    • HDR



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    • A Must Have
      My first experience with HRD was when it was free and it impressed me. The new HRD has all the bells and whistles that a ham needs! If you a curios about the new digital forms of ham communication HRD is a must. If your radio does not have a spectrum analyzer, HRD does. I could go on and on but the only way is try it for yourself.


      Tempe, AZ

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    • Good Software
      I was able to quickly install and use HRD with my Yaesu FT-991A. I've been using it for about a month or so and it's stable and intuitive. SuperSweeper has one of the best CW decoders I used. I have also set it up to interface with RemoteHams.com (RCForb) which allows for remote controlling my rig over the internet.


      Minneapolis, MN

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    • il miglior acquisto
      Molto bello



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    • Overall, great software
      I've been using HRD for a couple of months now and overall, I like it. I don't use some of the functions (rotor control, satellites) but the features that I do use seem to be well built. I have had a couple of hiccups with FT8 when using HRD as the "radio" when in WSJT-X where the radio would key up but nothing was transmitted, i.e., no power output, no audio. I spoke with Mike at Hamvention in May about this and he assured me that it was not an HRD issue. That may be, but I never had this problem when using my radio (IC-7610) as the selection. It's not a deal breaker by any means, just an occasional annoyance. I have read posts of others that have experienced the same issue.

      I also wish there was a printed user manual available. I don't do well with online manuals, but I understand the reasoning behind it.

      Other than tht, I'm enjoying using the software and hope to learn more about it.


      Avon, IN

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    • So far so good
      Having only installed HRD over the last few weeks it is early days to rate the software properly. Its link to WSJTX works flawlessly and the Logbook links perfectly with QRZ.com and eQSL. From an early inspection of the features it looks as if I will be relying on YouTube, the online manual and questions to other more experienced users as nothing appears to be instinctively intuitive.


      Cheshire, England

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    • The best
      Best damn support engineer I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with….
      Kevin went above and beyond the minor issues I was having and showed me many ways to improve my operating routine and took the time to walk me through the software. Just an amazing support engineer…very knowledgeable and easy to work with. Can’t say enough.
      73 Gene


      Denver CO

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    • Worse Support Ever
      The software is awesome. Does everything you need in your station. Been using it for over three years now but recently it started to disconnect my IC-7300 radio from the software. Trying to get support is like trying to pull a tooth with a pair of tweezers! I have been trying for a month to get my license key with no luck. I just received a new USB memory stick and tried to install it but they didn’t send the new license key so I can’t install the new version of the software. Now I am considering using a different software that I can get support when needed! GOOD PRODUCT BUT SUPPORT IS THE WORSE I HAVE EVER SEEN. I’m 80 years old and I have seen lots of tech support!! DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT DUE TO THE TERRIBLE SUPPORT! 


      Meridian, Ms

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    • Good Software!
      I use this in conjunction with wsjtx software as a rig controller and logger. Excellent piece of software. I haven't tried it for PSK-31 yet, but I'm sure it'll be great.


      Middlebury CT

      Was this review helpful?

    • Icom 756Pro and HRD
      HRD is the only software I have found to be reliable with my Icom 756Pro. It is programmed to work flawlessly. No other logging software does this. I have tried all the free offerings and they all have issues with controlling my radio.

      HRD works integrates very well with WSJT-X so I am able to use my old Icom with digital modes whilst saving money by avoiding having to buy a new radio.

      I’m still getting used to HRD’s many features, but overall it’s been a great experience.


      Lincolnshire, UK

      Was this review helpful?



      Sherbrooke, Qc Canada

      Was this review helpful?

    • Awesome product, highly recommended
      Easy to use and install and great support


      Philadelphia , PA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Works as advertised
      Works as advertised. And does real well with rig controls specifically for the ic7300. Can't speak for other radios. Point and click sets the frequency, all you have to do is key the mic and make the contact. Then the logging software records frequency and dx station and time!



      Was this review helpful?

    • A wonderful product
      I am still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles that I can use with my FT710. This is a powerful program. I would recommend it to anyone who not only wants total control of their rig, but if you are looking for one program to do it all, like logging software, digital modes, and so much more, you've got it with HRD.


      Grifton, NC

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD works great with newer model radios.
      If you have an older radio you have a little work to do to find the right adapter to make HRD work. HRD works great with newer model radios that have USB to USB support. I had a heck of a time finding an adapter that would work with HRD and my Kenwood TS850SAT!


      Martling, AL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Don't hesitate
      I hesitated for a long time and even went with another product. Finally with some prodding from friends I downloaded again and dug into it. Its not often in my experience that a software product is not only designed to work with other software but it is supported. My learning curve was steep much like DMR was. But in both it was well worth the effort. I can't recommend HRD any higher. Don't waste time like I did. Get it dive into it and enjoy. You won't regret it. Heck I even had Mike the owner answering my frustrated questions on the weekend. Who else does that?


      Farmington, Missouri

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Product but extremly hard setup
      I started to use this product 10 years ago. I find the software is amazing and excellent for what it does. The setup by oneself is difficult and hard to get right. Tech support is needed to get everything setup right with explanation of why certain adjustments are made. To a new user setup may seem way too difficult and frustrating. There is a lot of reading involved and still the user may not get it right.


      West Palm Beach, FL

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great software
      This software is so advantageous it's not funny. I've been using HRD for many years now and all features are great and of great help at times I would highly recommend this software especially for learning CW.


      Hervey Bay Queensland Australia

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD Again!
      When I started in amateur radio in circa 2007 I came across the HRD software that was available on the internet when it was freeware. I used it as my main logging and radio control software until my break from the hobby in ~2015. During that time I used its advanced features to control my Kenwood TS2000. I was away from the hobby until 2023 and in those ten years the advancement in software has bee large. There are MANY logging and radio control software packages out there now; many free but also some full featured packages that cost < $75. I examined many of them but either I felt they were not integrated between the functions or in some cases were clunky. I will admit that HRD packs features and integration that I may never use in the present but I believe it to be a solid investment and I purchased it a few months ago.

      I am happy to be back in the familiar look and feel of HRD for logging and radio control for my ICOM 705. I will be in the portable mode now as opposed to a home radio shack but whatever I use in the field will always get uploaded to HRD and on to all of the QSL online logging services seamlessly. You will probably always see a HRD on my computer while I am in this hobby. A strong and versatile software package!
      Bob B


      Central Florida

      Was this review helpful?

    • good purchase !
      hallo , i am very satisfied for actual version i have. It is good !


      city of PAVIA, in ITALY

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      I feel very good with HRD, really very functional and intuitive, I still do not use all its potential but in my opinion it is the best. kind regards Paolo IZ8SKD



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best program ever for ham tadio
      This software makes my workflow so much easier and faster the ability to control my radio is awesome everyone who has a rig should have this software.


      Chesapeake VA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great rig control and logging software
      I have used HRD for many years firstly as the freeware version and found it met my needs especially for digital modes. The ability to upload your log to EQsl and LOTW with one or 2 clicks is great. I decided to buy the licenceas so much work has gone into the software development and as I have the new FT10DX and my other stable of TS2000X, FT857D ,FT8900 well... Makes life simples


      IO91PP, High Wycombe, England

      Was this review helpful?

    • What I was looking for.
      I was using this program years ago when Simon had it. Thought it was the best, it was. Then went into deeper development by yinz, (yes, I'm from Pittsburgh) used alot of different free programs in the meantime, and like a lot of people fell out of the hobby for a few years. Restarted the excitement of radio, with that, had to get back to the best radio software ever HRD. My logbook was still there and all the improvements were awesome. Great to be back and playing radio.
      Thank you,
      Dave W3DJB.


      Pittsburgh, PA.

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      New to HRD, enjoying so far, would appreciate a dark theme/dark mode.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great purchase
      I installed HRD, and followed the comprehensive instructions for the software (minus the satellite and rotator control sections which I am not currently using).
      The program interfaced easily with my IC 7610, as well as WSJT-X.
      The logging program is user friendly and interfaces easily with LOTW, eQSL, QRZ, etc.
      In my opinion every amateur could benefit from using it.


      Western New York

      Was this review helpful?

    • the Best
      A great and extensive program. What makes it great is the support. Even if necessary they will set up a call to take control and make sure I could use their software. This type of support you don't find anymore.
      Phil H


      Murrells Inlet , SC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Valuable Asset
      HRD used every day of my radio activity. Let’s me control my Icom 7300 on the PC screen where all the functions are very visible and easily adjusted rather than making them directly on the radio.
      In the initial HRD setup I encountered a couple of
      steps that I was not clear on and asked HRD for help. A few hours later I received their phone call and the extremely helpful representative took control of my PC and made the necessary changes in settings and also setup automatic logging from the HRD log book to my QRZ log.
      I highly recommend HRD and am really glad I bought the paid version after having used the free one for a number of years. Great Support.and operational benefits.



      New Brunswick canada

      Was this review helpful?

    • Learning curve
      Ive had the software hooked up to my radio for about 2 weeks, ive only only just touched the surface but already had to contact customer suport and they helped me through the setup. For a non tech head its a bit to get your head around, but it is fairly straight forward


      WA Australia

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good Value
      I use HRD software with several radios as the software makes it very simple to shift bands, modes, and frequencies.


      Jonesboro, AR

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    • Hamradio deluxe
      Super avquosto



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Bang for your Buck
      Well way back in 2009 I got my first glimpse of HRD through 1 of my ham buddies .So that's how it all started for me. I had never seen anything like it and that's how I got into PSK31. Everything was going good til my windows got hacked and i migrated to Linux which meant no more HRD. So i have been using that OS til I recently bought a Windows laptop. Due to the hassle of using a terminal and the commands or command lines like sudo apt install and finding packages (PPS) or repositories. I was always on the phone with my younger brother to figure out how to install or remove software PITA. So 1 day not long ago a fellow ham steered me back to Windows and here we arte . So the first thing was to install HRD. So far so good other than a couple of issues EX. will not always shut down I have to use the task manager to shut the program down. Funny thing it shuts down the way it should most of the time, but not always...The other issue I am having I get a soundcard error when I use 40m Digital EX. WSJT-x. Seems to work on all other bands flawlessly but it ain't liking 40M . So bottom line like it. For an OM there is a lot to learn especially if your not a computer guy. But I managed to get her up and running same day I installed the software. I wish WSJTX and the supported software on that platform EX FT4, FT8, JT9, and the others were on DM780. then that would get a lot more use, not really into PSK much anymore. it has it's place in fact i have more QSO's on PSK31 than I have on SSB. So my take is it's well worth the $$$ all in 1 package GREAT PURCHASE!!!


      Thorold Ont

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    • il miglior acquisto di sempre
      Un software eccezionale un attimino complicato per me che non conosco l'inglese ma con un po di pazienza sono riuscito a lavorare con lui alla grande COMPLIMENTI
      IV3DSB Roberto


      Mossa (GORIZIA) Italy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Support is everything
      Support is everything when you’re new to this hobby,  free app’s don’t have a tech to call you and fix your problem like Ham Radio Deluxe does !



      Was this review helpful?

    • ottimo acquisto



      Was this review helpful?

    • Very pleased with this purchase!
      I have an older 756 Pro and wanted some SDR capability. I have been thoroughly pleased with HRD's gui and overall functionality. Logging as well is very simple and co mingles well with QRZ and LOTW.
      Thanks guys for such a great product. Worth the money!!


      Roswell, Georgia

      Was this review helpful?

    • Bought on a whim

      I have been using the last "free" version for a long time. I grabbed the latest version of HRD when it was offered at a discounted price. Very pleased with it and glad that I took opportunity.
      Garth in ZS


      Lonehill South Africa

      Was this review helpful?

    • Support and Product
      After purchasing HRD I found it to be a brilliant product that really enhances my amateur radio hobby.
      The log book is easy to use and very powerful, i don't think i use it to it's full potential but i'm getting there.
      DM780 is superb and the decodes spot on, again easy to use.
      Rig Control is a great asset to have to control my DX10.
      All 3 apps interface superbly with each other. A joy to use.
      Support is spot on as well. After reporting a potential issue, within 12hrs, support had responded with how i should deal with it.
      Great service.
      carrot cruncher


      Milton Keynes England

      Was this review helpful?

    • I like the CW
      I am learning how to use it every day and I am sure that soon I will be an expert


      Margate Fl

      Was this review helpful?

    • Powerful and Comprehensive Software Package
      This software package automates a lot of function from logging, to rig and antenna control as well as integrates data input and output to/from several external programs to help make your radio and data collection processes much easier.

      I use a Xiegu G90, and although I wished the programs supported it directly, it does a darn good job using setting for the Icom 7100.

      I have also received prompt email responses for questions and support requests, but a phone call would be nice when resolving certain configuration issues, as sometimes one phone call could avoid several rounds of emails to understand or attempt to fix something.

      I really have enjoyed using it, and I learn more about its capabilities every time I use it. The YouTube videos are very helpful and many other hams have good advice regarding its usage as well. It's a great community and I look forward to the future with HRD.


      Ashland Ohio, USA

      Was this review helpful?

    • 2 weeks and still learning
      I knew I would end up buying this software, its flexibility allows me to do what I want all in one package, I first used it with my SteppIr and it matches the antenna to the frequency I am on, it matches my rig and FT-101MP but drops communication with the rig for no apparent reason, I think it may be a bug and doesn't worry me too much as you just click reconnect.

      I had been off the Air for over 10 years until 3 weeks ago, so I am having to re learn a lot of things, set up is fairly straight forward but time consuming but you only need to do it one time.

      Time is not always on my side, I want to go through every feature to make it perfect for my application but overall I have no doubts this is the best software available for my purpose

      Best 73s


      South Kentucky

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Software for Radio Control
      Put off all of the Rig Control and logging software I have tried HRD is by far the best yet. I love the fact that it interacts with other software ie; WJSX-T (?) and a couple others. It allows total Cat control of my FT DX1200 radio and equipment. So far I love it!
      Roger S.


      DeRidder, Louisiana

      Was this review helpful?

    • Finally moved to v6 version.
      Still exploring the software, but all looks good ( it does as I ask ,that's got to good). Time will tell but I'm confident I'll get the best results. Never had to use the help line yet that in its self
      is good testament. Keep up the good work. 73 de 2e0fau.


      North Yorkshire, England

      Was this review helpful?

    • Essential Addition to any ham shack
      Amazing collection of software applications. Excellent documentation and very responsive technical support.


      Wake Forest NC

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent package
      Easy to download and install. The manual is comprehensive and most of the information is there. I have an older radio (FT847) and it was a bit fiddly getting the connection all sorted. Satellite tracking software is excellent though a bit more explanation on ow to set up and use the software for example different satellite definitions and satellite passes.


      Wellington, New Zealand

      Was this review helpful?

    • 100% Impressed
      I cannot think of a more comprehensive package that easily links CAT control and provides multiple digital formats, among other features, than HRD. I'd buy it again.


      Colorado Springs

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      Excellent software for any radio amateur
      Very easy to install and set up
      would highly recommend


      Northern Ireland

      Was this review helpful?

    • Hamradio deluxe
      Really easy to use with no major issues very happy with the service and will continue to use for many more years to come definitely worth using 



      Was this review helpful?

    • Product

      After always using a copy of the free version, purchasing the full program was money well spent thank you 


      South Africa

      Was this review helpful?

    • New User HRD
      All I have to say " Great Product, Great Support".



      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD very nice
      I have only had it for a short time. Still learning it and enjoying it. I have not used customer service yet I just call a friend that talked me into using it. 
      Just me


      Gretna Virginia

      Was this review helpful?

    • My HRD Experience
      I have used several logging systems and find HRD has the most complete set of tools regardles your interest. My focus is DX and currently vDeSoto Challenge nearing 2500 level. I use DXCluster with WSI filter to narrow my search. Support is excellent from Mike and his support team.
      Jim D


      Seattle WA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good
      Good software 


      Puerto Rico

      Was this review helpful?

    • This software is Awesome!
      I love HRD! I have some minor issues but I'm extremely pleased with it's performance!


      Santa Ana, CA. USA

      Was this review helpful?

    • software de control de equipos
      Es el mejor software que he podido comprar para unificar el manejo y control de mis equipos, de esta manera puedo trabajar otras areas que ni pensaba que podria utilizar, como digitales y satelites. Todo en el mismo programa.
      Enhorabuena por este gran software.



      Was this review helpful?

    • General Class Amateur Operator
      HRD is a big asset to my Ham shack.  The support is amazing and without the help of the first class technicians providing real time virtual assistance I would not have been able to get the interface working with my sound card and WSJT-X.  I am running Grid Tracker (c) --> Ham Radio Deluxe (c) --> WSJT-X all programs hand shaking and playing nice to make my Ham Radio experience fantastic.  Thanks you HRD team.  I look forward to new updates and additional functions in the future.
      Wd5BPC ~ Frede
      WD5BPC ~ Frede


      League City, Texas

      Was this review helpful?

    • My come back after 7 years.
      Dear Mike Carper WA9PIE unfortunatly in this period I had some family troubles,anyway let me say that I'm happy to have once more HRD and your assistance.In february I will be ready to write you.All the best to you and to all the staff.
      73 de TONI I/WXB
      ANTONIO wxb



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      KEN M1CYR



      Was this review helpful?

    • Ham Radio Club Station OZ6HR
      As a Ham Radio Club Station we are very happy using HRD.


      DK-Denmark Horsens

      Was this review helpful?

    • Ótima aquisicao
      Ótimo software para registro das informações sobre os contatos realizados e controle do radio. Não posso opinar sobre o módulo rotator e satélite pois ainda não utilizei.
      Usuário Brasil


      Foz do Iguaçu, PR, BR

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent prograam

      With the help of my best friend HRD work extremely well.
      Best program for my Ham radio experience.



      Was this review helpful?

    • New customer
                       Good morning after having no success with other well know logging software programs I decided to purchase HRD I’m glad I did connecting the radio is instant and the support is super helpful! The guys even log in to your pc and tidy everything up for you well pleased and shall be purchasing the support package again 73’s Dan 2e0bln 


      United Kingdom

      Was this review helpful?

    • Everything in one package
      I've used the free version for MANY years. I liked it so much, I decided to upgrade. WSJT uploads to the HRD logbook, I can turn my beam within the program, I can work the sats. etc. Such a powerful program. Am still learning new things about it after all these years. Great support also !



      Was this review helpful?

    • Glad I made the move to HRD
      I was thinking of swapping my old pc logbook over to HRD. I would not be using the Rotator control or the sattellite tracking function but I was still interested in the product.
      So I took the free 30 day trial offer and decided after 10 days it was for me. So I paid my money and recived my acctivation key withing a minute. I tried to use my new key but it would not work. I had to carry on with the trial key. It would have been nice to have been able to use my own key but I had to wait for the 30 days to pass. So really I should have waited for the 30 days to be up because I have lost best part of a month of my year. If HRD managment could look at this that be great.
      I have had to use the support but found that they help me fix my issues. There was no issues with the software it was my understanding. It would be nice if there could be some short Youtube video on each of the section, I would have found this most useful.
      I have been using the software for 6 weeks now. First I imported +3k qso's from my old log program into HRD that was easy. I use the Radio Pane in the HRD Logbook page and find it usefull to control my IC-7300 during CW qso. The awards tracking is great, I have setup the DX Cluster and that works nice, controlling my radio if I want to work the station. I upload and download to eqsl and LOTW. It works very nicely logging my FT4/8 contacts with WSJTX and Grid Tracker. Maybe one day I may have another look at what Digital master can do.
      So I am pleased I made the switch, its worth the money. Will I buy it every year maybe not but maybe every other year. Looking forward to the updates and changes that are to come.


      Cannock, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent software ham radio
      Excellent program. I wanted to be able to use it.


      Adalucia, South Spain

      Was this review helpful?

    • It works
      Well structured piece of software, does what it says on the tin.
      Mike Smith


      Portsmouth UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good purchase
      Each HAM has its own log and other software best for itself.
      I tested a lot of logs and other software. They were free and for money. I chose for myself for a long time. Sometimes I lost information and found it difficult to recover.
      Therefore, for me, the log and other software should be reliable, stable and easy to work with.
      Technical support is also important.
      After testing HRD Software, I realized that this is for me.
      HRD Software combines all the conditions required for it. These are reliability, convenience, ease of use and technical support.
      It also looks really good.
      I can say that this is really one of the best HAM software (I think the best of the known).
      I am grateful to the HRD Software team for making it. This is a good job. Good luck to them.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Good kit
      Very pleased with HRD would recommend it.


      Cornwall uk

      Was this review helpful?

    • Better than expected - works seamlessly with everything
      Been using V 5 for donkeys years. Only recently upgraded to newer Yaesu’s. Was initially worried about migration to new version but was relieved when all went to plan. Few problems with some directing to old files and a FtDX-10 and FT-981A issue but the fixes were all in the help files.

      Works perfectly with a Microsoft Surface, rotator, FT8 logging. It’s just brilliant!!

      Best few quid I’ve spent in a long time. Credit to the new owners. Worth every penny. Gary MW0YAE 


      Blaencwm, Treorchy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Love the ease of use.
      I have a unique setup where my radio bench is not that comfortable. I can now sit at my desk and operate! Much more comfortable for me. I love the logging software and it's integration. There are so many sub applications that I am still learning and I haven't even scratched the surface of HRD's capabilities. I am learning something new every day!
      Texas Ham


      Central Texas

      Was this review helpful?

    • Help was great

      Have been a HRD user back to the Beta years. Have watched it build into a very big piece of software, much more than what I want or need as I only use it for Logging, however very nice software..

      We talked a couple weeks ago regarding adding colors to HRD.

      My computer Win7 lost it’s mother board and I had to upgrade to win10 and along with everyone else lost……and Just like everyone else I had a big problem with JTAlert software…. I really liked it as it added a lot more information on each contact. I have a large contact log (39,500+ contacts) and it wasn’t always reliable as to who I had worked B4 and who was a 1st contact but I liked it

      I requested help from your tech people and I got who has to be the best person in tech that you have…. Tim Browning called and he did his magic on my computer explaining each move…. Showed me some things about the HRD program making it much easier for me… He is a very big PLUS for HRD.
      After doing a lot of reading I understand that there is a big rub between HRD and JTAlert. I’m hoping that in the very near future you will be coming out with what I believe is a driver?? that Microsoft dropped from Win10 causing problems with win10 and JTAlert or YOUR OWN version of JTAlert… I have no doubt that you have the expertise.


      Medford, Oregon

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      I've put off buying this for years now.
      When I eventually bought it I could have kicked myself, the logbook alone is superb I've been able to combine all logbooks.
      The digital side is second to none even CW, set up PSK and had a contact very quickly, works well with WSJT.
      Well worth the money



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Amateur Radio Software
      I'm very happy. I have bought the best existing amateur radio software.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Very satisfied customer
      With one month's experience with HRD I am a very satisfied customer. Initial problem with communication between PC and CW keying on ICOM 7000 was discussed with HRD support and their advice that the cable purchased on eBay was faulty turned out to be correct. HRD support recommended another cable supplier, and with the new cable all worked. The HRD website "help" sections have been very useful as I have tried different parts of the HRD software. As an old-time ham it has been fun to learn about digital modes, LOTW and other features.


      Athens, NY

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Software
      Started using HRD when it first came out, when Simon owned it. Still using the free version with my Kenwood TS-870. Bought another new TS-590sg and decided to buy the new version. I've had no problems running it with my RSP1a as an panadapter. Would I buy again of course.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Work will
      Easy and recommend



      Was this review helpful?

    • New HAM
      I've been a licensed Ham for less than a year. I bought an older radio on Ebay and was pleasantly surprised about how well HRD works with it! Every day I discover something new and useful about the app. Keep 'em coming!


      SF Bay Area

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good complete software
      HRD Is the best software for radio.


      Cambrils- Spain

      Was this review helpful?

    • Learning Curve
      Little hard to learn basic skills.


      Nashville, TN

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD - great product that just works!
      New to HAM radio decided to download HRD, I was not dissapoined


      Suffolk, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good Interface
      I like to control my rig over HRD. It gives me best flexibility and accuracy of manipulation.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Outstanding Program
      This is one great all in one program and the support to help, get it and keep it, running was absolutly super


      Bonaire GA

      Was this review helpful?

    • It works great.
      I really like the satellite tracking feature. Lots of digital modes but wished it included a few more. Logging is nice.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Support
      I talked to a guy (Tim) and he took control of my computer and spent almost two hours helping me. We were able to het the computer with my Yeasu up very quickly. After a lot of time we decided the problem is with my Kenwood. I am still dealing with the Kenwood. I have had a couple of local Hams using the same radio dealing with it and they also believe their is something wrong with the Kenwood. I appreciate all the time he spent helping on line with my Kenwood.


      Mobile, Al

      Was this review helpful?

    • Excellent Suite of Software
      After trying out various "free" software for amateur radio, I went with HRD because it has an extraordinarily broad set of features and functions, and is the most highly developed. Development is also ongoing, so it should only get better. There is a learning curve, but it is not problematic, and if necessary, a support phone call can be arranged. I had one such call because I wasn't sure about some of the set-up details and the support guy was really good. I am typically quite frugal, so it means a lot when I say this software is worth it, and it is.


      SE MA

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    • 23 cm band
      Having an IC 9700 access to 23cms would be great.
      But I imagine it would need a huge re-write.


      Perth Western Australia

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great logging suite
      I find new functions for HRD nearly every day. My only suggestion is to make the manual logging procedure a bit more user friendly, including serial number incrementing, etc. I've downloaded N1MM and am running it standalone, just exporting and importing adif files as needed.


      Central Illinois

      Was this review helpful?

    • HRD
      I like the program quite a bit. I think that I would like to see a better interface for the satelite area. I think that the gauges could be lots better. The digital side works very well. I really like the program and the features.
      Ham guy


      Kennewick, Washington

      Was this review helpful?

    • Very impressed!
      I had some problems installing and connecting my radio to software. It was fixed a support tech in a few minutes and he helped a great deal. Very impressed with his knowledge. Thanks for the help.


      North Carolina

      Was this review helpful?

    • danke
      Hallo ich finde gut das Ihr auch FT8 und FT4 und andere neue Modulation Arten mit ins Logbuch eingefügt habt. Noch cooler wäre es aber wenn Ihr solche Modi oder die notendigen Programme wie WSJT-X mit implementieren könntet.


      Lichtenau, Sachsen

      Was this review helpful?

    • Great tool for Ham radio
      Learning curve is easy, menus are straight forward, I was on the air in one afternoon with the program. Works well with my Icom 746pro, however a bit buggy yet with my Yaesu FTDX10. Lots of FUN!!
      Kansas Ham



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Purchase Ever
      I have tried plenty of free options for CAT and CW and other digital modes and HRD software was over all the most easiest to configure and mange.
      Thanks HRD for you Great product.
      Ferdí WP4RJL


      Comerío, Puerto Rico

      Was this review helpful?

    • Essential software for the HAM
      Very nice software package for radio control, logbook, digital modes, satellite etc. Do not want to operate my radio without it anymore.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Perfect

      The program, certainly complex, meets my expectations perfectly. I only use 30% of the possibilities now. The rest will probably come with time. I do not yet master everything such as for example the export in * .cabrio which does not correspond to what is often requested or the "sub-program" Mapper which is really strange to use and for which I cannot find a tutorial. Aside from that, nothing to complain about -> perfect


      Opwijk, Belgium

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    • HDR



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      Was this review helpful?

    • Useful software
      The software interface is in need of modernization, so that it is in line with current graphics trends.


      Genova, Italy

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    • HRD
      Have not used all facilities yet, however, so far so good.



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    • a logging improvement
      When using HRD the results are greatly improving my ability make more QSOs. My computer is not the "fastest in the west" and I know I am missing out on a lot of confirmations of QSOs. When I get my new computer running I know that the HRD software will show improvement.


      Dallas, Texas

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    • THE standard in shack management!
      Not gonna lie, there is a steep learning curve here, but with the support available (both from the company and the user base) it takes a short period of time to get up and running.

      From that point things get easier, especially since you only need to learn what is useful, taking the expansion of your rig in easily digestible steps.

      There is a reason this is the gold standard, I imagine it will be for quite some time.



      Was this review helpful?

    • very nice software
      Does everything I expected it to do very well. Would definitely recommend!! It's a bit expensive and it doesn't have any offers for younger hams like me, but it's still solid software.


      London, UK

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    • Great Product, but I have a lot to learn
      I find the HRD app quite comprehensive, and the rig control portion seems to work well with my new IC-705. However, using the other features of the app are still a bit confusing, and since I am running a Mac (Big Sur) under Parallels, some of the HRD features may not work as well as intended with a standard Windows computer. I've had some trouble getting the waterfall to display properly, especially when I want to superimpose the waterfall window under the rig control window. I have printed the complete user's manual, have skimmed through it, and have read particular sections, but I will need to study the manual more and/or discuss issues with other users before I can say that the issues I have aren't operator issues :-). I confess that I have not yet been on the air with HRD, since I am still putting my equipment together and have only just received my General license again, after about 50 years away from ham radio. Many things seem to be the same in the ham radio world, but many are not, and I have much more to learn. In short, I should be able to provide a more. substantial review of HRD after some on-the-air experience and additional study. Nevertheless, so far I have enjoyed controlling my IC-705 receiver section with HRD. If the app does all that it claims (after I learn to use it properly), it is indeed an amazing application and seems a good value for the price.


      Ames, Iowa

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    • Great software
      You can find all the other software to do mostly the same thing. But to have it all in one package is so nice. The options are bewildering and there is a fairly steep learning curve. It has a lot of capabilities so this is expected. I am mostly a hardcore MacOS guy but this just makes it all so easy so I use PC just for radio stuff. 


      BC Canada

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    • Worth it in long run?
      I will admit I was very frustrated with this program in the beginning. It is not what I would consider to be an intuitive or initial user friendly program. I have been working PC's since they were tape drives. I had to watch a few videos and read till my eyes bled before I got the program to do what I wanted. Even then the Pan Adapter is completely worthless with the 7300, and they seem not to be in any kind of hurry to fix it. Seems like a mistake considering the popularity of the radio. For me the real utility of this program is in the logbook. Being able to forward contacts automatically to my other logbooks is really nice. The DX spotting and auto tuning works well.


      Denver, CO

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    • Muy buena compra. Muy contento con ella.
      Siempre trabaje con la version gratuita y me funciono muy bien, aunque tenia sus limitaciones, Me decidi por la compra de la version de pago y estoy muy contento con ella. Un pequeño problema con los QSO en el libro de guardia, pero al final, lei los comentarios de los usuarios y pude solucionar el problema. Muchas gracias por el esfuerzo de mantener tan magnifico software.
      force two


      Alicante (Spain)

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    • instalacion dl software
      Me gusta mucho el programa pero podrian poner la traduccion en español, mucha gente no lo llega a entender ciertamente y no llega a sacarle todo el potencial que en si ofrece el software.
      Con la probabilidad de aumentar su compra por ser un producto muy interesante.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best Purchase
      Good software much improved



      Was this review helpful?

    • Very good
      All good also supporting.


      Netherlands, rotterdam

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    • 99% OK
      Full functioning look for YAESU FTDX-101D



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    • Good program
      I like that I was able to link wsjt-x and qrz very easily. It was also fairly simple to link my lotw account. The rig control works very good with the Yeasu FTdx 3000 and i was surprised by the amount of customizable features. I am still trying to figure out the digital op modes. That part of the software is a little more challenging due to the fact that I am not familiar with all the details yet. I bought the download version and will say that it was very easy to get up and running in a very short time. I would recommend HRD to anyone.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Superb HAM radio software
      The HRD software suite does exactly what I need from a HAM radio software suite and I exploit its front end, the DM780 and the logbook, controlling it all from my computer via CAT cable into my radio. The HRD software will do a whole lot more than what I use it for but I am more than happy using the elements of the package I need.
      I have also had cause to use the support ticket service to get over a few teething problems and have to say, the support and feedback from the HRD forum has also been excellent.
      I have only been on the air since August 2020 and very pleased to have found HRD :)
      Andy B


      Lancashire, UK

      Was this review helpful?

    • very good purchase
      Have been useing HRD from the 90s but you have made the program much better will look forward to future QSO`s



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    • I always wanted one.
      I finally got my HRD, after all these years. Was in and out amateur radio for the past ten years. Because of the pandemic, I decided to get more active. bought cables for my IC-746 and got the HRD. Following the youtube video to setup. Hope you can include the Yaesu FTDX10 on your compatible radios. 73’s


      Bacolod City, Philippines

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    • 10 years use of HRD
      After recently updating HRD following the purchase of a new radio I am overwhelmed by how good this software is, it’s easy to take for granted great software but I can assure you HRD is a enhancement for any radio ham wherever you are.
      Well done to all at HRD


      United Kingdom

      Was this review helpful?

    • Amazing Software
      So far, HRD is everything I wanted and more. I am still learning it's capabilities while using the logger and radio interface between WSJT-X and my IC-7300. No complaints so far.


      Heenderson NV

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    • Still The Best
      I originally started using HRD back in the early 2000's when I first went on HF. Following Superstorm Sandy, I no longer had an antenna available. I'm now preparing to get back on HF and can pick up some HF using a homebrew "Buddy Pole". I particularly enjoy digital modes and just LOVE DM780. HRD is the best there is, period.


      Long Island, NY

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    • Umfangreiche Software für Digitale Modes und TRX Steuerung
      Wirklich gutes Programm, lediglich die Fenster Verwaltung bei DM780 gibt mir Rätsel auf.
      Ernst, OE3EJB



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    • excellent but...
      Excellent but difficult to use full. To be able to use many of the too many functions you have to study ... so I didn't give my best. In the basic functions it is immediate and easily configurable.


      Palermo, Italy

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    • Great Service
      A great product but the best part is the continued service. The software does everything it advertises. The setup was over my head but the service team took care of everything.


      Murfreesboro, Tennessee

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    • Excellent Software
      HRD is an excellent software that makes operating easy and fun! I would highly recommend this software to anyone looking to add to their shack!


      Kalamazoo, MI

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    • A lot to take in
      HRD has so many features it is difficult to use. I feel a little overwhelmed trying to take advantage of all the modules offered in the software. You absolutely need multiple monitors to spread out all the programs. They do offer videos to tutor you, even so I haven’t figured out all the pieces or of I have them working correctly. Lack of similarity between how each piece of software is configured and driven makes the task a little more challenging 



      Milton GA

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    • Discount
      Ham Radio Deluxe Software (activation code; download delivery; without CD or USB)



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    • Good Intuitive Software
      I have been using HRD for one month now and found it to do most things that i want in a relatively simple manner. I am very happy with it and it was worth the money as far as I am concerned. I have used other logging software but this so far has been the best. One thing I have not found as yet is a facility to show SOTA contact information or Park references for SOTA or POTA. It may be in there but I have not found it yet, otherwise it is a very good piece of Software.


      KOONOOMOO - Australia

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      BOX 545 QUILCENE, WA. 98376

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    • Complex, but functional
      It takes time to learn how to fully exploit the program, with time you get used to moving between the various menus and bringing out the best. For now I'm only using part of it and I'm satisfied with it.


      Toscana, Italy

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    • Good value
      Good value for the money. A lot of useful features ranging from logging to digital communications to interoperability with other services such as eQsl, LoTW, QRZ and others.

      You won't be disappointed.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great product for digital control
      This is a great product, it has everything I could want for my station from logging, to waterfalls, digital control, Satellite tracking and so much more.


      Watseka Il

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    • A comfortable interface
      The ability in Rig control to select most bands - great. I have yet to find how I select VHF & UHF bands.

      I am unable to have sound on the computer with the programme - this could of course be my problem. I would recommend havin at least two monitors so that you don't have to switch everyone. I also possess Win4Yaesu whose waterfall is not in my opinion as good as HRD. I had occasion to request Service help which was quite swift.


      Balingen, BW, Germany

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    • Use HRD do Connects to the Rigs for 3rd Parties Applications
      I have not used it much but I can say that the use of HRD to connect to my rigs for other applications such as WSJT-X, without the requirement of configuring each software one-by-one. I did not understand the spectroscopy; it has an sllow update rate; this might be my mistake...
      I liked the greyline and the satellite maps and need to learn to use it all.
      Thanks a lot,
      Big 73!


      Sao Jose dos Campos - Sao Paulo - Brazil

      Was this review helpful?

    • works great
      The program works as it should. have only had one problem that has been cured.
      I use it daily and find it easy to setup and modify the info on the screen.
      I am using HRD on a Icom 756 Pro and a Icom 7300.
      Even a new ham shoul be able to setup this program.


      North East NY

      Was this review helpful?

    • A useful bit of software
      Initial setting up on trial basis was complex. However, once purchase decision made and support available, it sorted itself out. There are plenty of support videos, but they don't always cover what's needed when your computer needs tweaking.


      Shepton Mallet, England

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    • Great suite of software for amateur radio operation
      I have used HRD for years and have always been very impressed by the quality and thoughtful design of the entire suite of programs.  I run a rotator, a digital station, an SSB rig, and logging with it, and it is also useful for satellite tracking, DX spotting, and more.  I am also impressed with the wide variety of rigs it supports and the customizable controls.  This is an excellent product!


      Asheville, NC

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    • Christmas Gift
      I used the freeware versions in the past when available and always intended to get the new version for my self and never got the job done. My wife and one of my sons gifted my with the software for Christmas this year. I am impressed by all the features HRD has to offer and I am still learning all the things it can do with my rig. I hope to dig deep into it later this year when I retire and have the time to explore fully.


      Le Mars, IA

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    • Excellent product
      I have moved from another software package,. Seamless log transition usin ADIF, LOTQ and QRZ integration in place without problems, integration with my rigs, ICOMs, Yaesus and Elecraft KX3 worked on first try. The package is very function rich.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Best
      Vale davvero la pena pagare per questo prodotto, in passato ho utilizzato la versione free ed era buona oggi è il TOP è anche l'assistenza è buona già nelle pagine delle FAQ ho trovato tutto per impostare radio e software senza chiedere l'assistenza di un operatore.


      Leggi uno, ITALIA

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good
      Long used free old version. I use it with good results in conjunction with an IC-7100. Advisable.


      Italy, Tuscany

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    • HRD Software
      This is a fine piece of software. I feel it is somewhat complicated and takes time to learn....if you ever learn all it can do. I bought it mainly to get all my old logs (or most of them) in one place. It works well for that. I find using the Macros on digital can get away from you if you are not careful. Most of the problems I have had are problems I caused myself. I have not used HRD support but know those who have and they say it is super!!
      Dave, N8LU


      Jackson, Michigan, USA

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    • Great software, complete, but ...
      I find the software really excellent and complete for amateur radio use: you can manage the radio station in all respects. The only flaw is the difficulty of setting and the lack of the manual in Italian.
      Hateful is the problem encountered with QRZ without paid subscription, as it does not perform the correct data lookup (it only returns partial data and does not detect the correct location of the stations): I urge the developers to solve the aforementioned problem. However, I recommend the purchase.



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    • great for general logging as well as cat control
      As a Yaesu ft-DX3000 , FT-950 , FT-891 and FT-818 user i was looking for a cat control/log system that worked easily with all my radios. And HRD is just that. As well as being great for cat control tailored for each radio individually its a fantastic logging program that interfaces to eQsl and Lotw easily. Making award hunting a breeze. The digital mode poackage and rotator controller are areas i dont use much but when i say fully featured its an understatement. All in all Ham Radio Deluxe is not only worth the money but worth owning.


      Albury, NSW, Australia

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    • Ottimo prodotto
      Ottimo software per la gestione della radio e del log di stazione, senza tralasciare l' uso dei principali modi digitali, il tracking per il controllo dei segnali satellitari, connessione radio in remoto e molte altre funzionalità che via via vado scoprendo!



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    • Software works great
      I like the software. It was straight forward to setup. I think it's a good value. My only complaint is the SSTV module isn't very good.



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    • A Welcome addtion to the Shack
      I am a newly minted General ticket holder. While I love my Yeasu FT-991A, threading your way through the menus when in the middle of contact, and adjustments are needed to manage noise as an example are made much easier via the rig control screen. I am also appreciative of the integration with WSJT and various external logging websites such as QRZ.

      When a program is as good as this one its hard to find fault with it. However I do think particularly for the newcomer to the hobby if there is room for improvement I'd suggest a quick start written for someone not just new to HRD but the hobby itself. I find when looking at the on line manual it often assumes more knowledge than someone with 3 months on the air is likely to have. I do think the videos are helpful but I do wish there were more of them. Neither of these issues are serious but could make an already great program easier to use.


      Ocean View, DE USA

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    • Fantastic product
      I have had no issues with this software. It has performed flawlessly for me along with my Yaesu FT-950. I would recommend this product to anyone.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Outstanding Software
      HRD software, in my opinion, is the best available on the market today. It's a great all-in-one package for maintaining your radio and accessories. That's obviously clear because almost all the shack pics posted on QRZ have HRD up on their laptops. That's why I bought it. The 30 day trial is great! It gives you a chance to really test out all of the features...and there are a lot!
      HRD Customer


      Oakdale, CT

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    • Good software, best available. Room for a bit more though.
      HI group.
      This is good software. It runs my FT991A almost like a Swiss watch. Just a few blips in it.
      A few of the buttons dont work quite right, or are not obvious. And, the sat tracker could really use doppler correction. That way SatPC32 wouldnt be needed. Also, there is no way I can see to really use its memory function. The radio has 100 memories with alpha tags that cannot be seen on the software. Having said that, thanks HRD people for all the hard work.


      Altadena CA

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    • Excellent Service
      Not only was it very timely in response, the response was the solution to my problem! Excellent customer service!


      Denver, CO

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    • Migrating Ham Radio Deluxe to a New Computer
      I upgraded my old freeware version of Ham Radio Deluxe to a new paid version back in September of 2020. It has been a joy to work with the new version. It is wonderful to see the application undergo further development and maintenance.

      In case anyone is interested, I wrote an article on my blog about the experience, "Migrating Ham Radio Deluxe to a New Computer". https://www.nj2x.com/2020/09/migrating-ham-radio-deluxe-to-new.html

      I love that I could integrate the HRD logbook with WSJT-X to automatically log FT8 contacts. I wrote up an article about setting up the integration, "WSJT-X Automatic Logging Into Ham Radio Deluxe".

      73, NJ2X



      Aptos, CA

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    • Definitely worth it!
      You can tell that there was a bit of love and passion with the development of this software. I am a software developer and see the quality put into this product. Very nice work and have recommended HRD to my club and friends.

      73 - w3otz


      Schwenksville, PA

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    • normal upgrade my radio and software
      Dear HRD Team,

      I used HRD since very begining and now i face the sytuation where my new radio FTDX101D need to comunicate with up to date HRD. All is OK, works fine. I was afraid about comunication with other software but its all OK. By port emulator i have opened HRD, Logger32, JTDX, CW skimmer and all works in the same time.
      So....as i say I am familiary with HRD and I am glad to see You guys work to be up to date with new HAM Radio products. Nice job. Please on ocasion of Christmas and New year acept all the best wishes, very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

      Peter Bar sp7moc



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    • SDR Integration with HRD?
      Ham Radio Deluxe would be 100 percent better if SDR was integrated into the software. SDR console for example is a great software piece and if integrated would make HRD more valuable. I rated the support a three only because I have not tried to use support yet. Anyone seeing this review please keep that in mind. I am sure support is great.
      Software guru


      Copmmerce, GA

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    • as good as its always been
      I have just got back into using HRD after a bit of a break I have always used this program for PSK31 and it has always been a great tool for this , having first used the program when it was free and even now when it is still good value for money with its updated software etc . Try it and see what you think, its a fantastic piece of kit to add to any ones shack


      Cheltenham UK

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    • Great software
      Mainly used to record logs and satellite communications, great software



      Was this review helpful?

      Offers every single application needed ,, and more ,.... constantly developing ,excellent customer service.....
      15x Star out of 10...
      Thank you..



      Was this review helpful?

    • very satisfied
      Well made and useful.
      Nice to use in RTTY contest.


      North Italy

      Was this review helpful?

    • Good product
      It runs well but it’s sometimes hard to navigate the menus. Good product overall.


      Jacksonville, AR

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    • Very good program HAM Radio DeLuxe
      Works fine with my Yaesu FT 991 A


      Harderwijk Holland

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    • Using with Yaesu 991A and Icom ic 705..
      Using with Yaesu 991A and Icom ic 705.. Look forward to setup for IC 705.. Look forward to scope working with Yaesu 991A.
      Eye sight going south, use of the computer screen is a great help. Hope to see a how to for logging with current version of program, and more info on radio setting changes to work with program.. Along with clear suggestions on how to set up sound card in computer or go with sound card in box interface outside of computer for these two radios..


      Killeen, TX

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    • Wish i had bought this sooner
      i had been using the old version 5 for years and decided to buy the latest version and "wow" what a difference this software does everything i need and is very easy to navigate , if i do encounter any problems then the backup team are there to help and they are fast and efficient and solve issues very quickly , the support team are really good i'm glad they are there, overall the software is a great package and i know i would be lost without it , everyone should be using this in their shack and once you start using it then you wont be able to stop , thanks to all the team for a great product, thanks mike for all the hard work , keep it up things can only get better , ...


      Glasgow Scotland

      Was this review helpful?

    • Best purchase after using others
      I used 2 other logging softwares before. One free version and one paid version. Till I did use HRD! After 10 minutes it was clear that HRD is worth his price.



      Was this review helpful?

    • Really a masterpiece
      I love this software. It allows me to have full control of my rig. Helpful macro feature helps in order to customize complex sequences that would required stuffing on my radio menus while contesting. Is quite difficult to unleash al the power of HRD suite in a few days - ona have to let it mature like a good wine in your cellar, progressive adapting such a bunch of features. I manage to integrate HRD with other contesting software that are not so powerful. I'd buy again. Good job guys!


      Rome, Itay

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    • 365 days is not enough to unleash it's full potential
      Absolutely brilliant swiss army knife for HAM radio operator.


      Warsaw, Poland

      Was this review helpful?

    • Worth every penny
      I am glad I got this package.
      Support and Updates are second to none.

      Easy five stars


      Herefordshire, UK

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    • best
      the best



      Was this review helpful?

    • Great Product for any Ham, use it daily
      I have been using the free version for quite sometime now. I finally decided to purchase it. I love how it works so well with other
      software and devices. Example my Hamcrafters WinKeyer USB. Simply fantastic. I also use it with HDSDR. I soon will be installing a 3 element Yagi and will definitely be using it with the Yaesu G-800DXA Rotator and Rotator Controller. Also like the Log Book features as well. Do yourself a favor and purchase this product. Most bugs have been worked out and their is additional user support as well. 73's
      Tony 4HRD


      Hayward, Calif across the bay from San Francisco

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    • Support
      HRD takes a little study time but is a truly fantastic piece of software. Most importantly the support is second to none. Ferry PD9FER, could not be more helpfull and patient. A credit to HRD. Up and running in no time and was a pleasant surprise compared to most support teams. Well done HRD and would recommend 100%. If you are thinking of buying radio software, this is it, buy it ! Thanks again for an excellant product and superb support.


      Brixham - Devon - UK

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